Spider Taking Rest on Net




I shared a picture of an insect today. The name of this insect is spider. It is a very familiar insect. You will see spiders in almost all countries of the world including Bangladesh. However, different types of spiders are available. Some species grow much larger in the form of spiders. In addition, spiders come in different colors. However, the spider you see in this picture is a very small insect. But this spider is very beautiful to look at. In this picture you can see the spider as well as its web. And spiders survive by eating insects.


Spiders are always in the net. When an insect is caught in a net, it is eaten by a spider. But the funny thing is that the spider never gets caught in its own net. The spider's mouth tends to be much smaller. They weave their small mouths. A kind of glue is put on the spider's web. Insects are trapped in this glue. However, they do not have to learn to weave this net, they learn on their own.



Spiders have a kind of fur on their body because of this fur they do not get stuck in their fur. And they can wander around in their nets as they see fit. The spider is a different kind of insect. The father spider tends to be very violent in nature. However, spiders never get wet in water. However, spiders do no harm to humans. However, some spiders are terrified. Spiders are always in a dry place. You will never see a spider in a wet place. But most people are afraid of spiders. But we see spider webs around our house almost all the time.

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