Relationships - Asset or Liability?


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How To Deal With Toxic Relationships

In a world where when you are born, before anything, you get to have relationships, how important is it to carry in with those all your life? Relationships are like bitcoin/gold to me. Something I can rely on forever and forever. They must be like the blossoms of the spring which bring a smile to our face, they must be nurtured like a young toddler - always thriving to be stronger. But then, is it really like that when it comes to real life? Do we value all our relationships or some of them are just a social obligation to you? Such toxic relationships are actually liabilities that we carry on our minds. Maintaining such relationships induce toxicity in our mind and soul which impacts us bad time. Let’s find out in this video how to deal with such relationships.

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This is excellent topic u have discussed. Having strong relationship and spending time and energy to maintain those is important. Continuation communication is essential. Keep it up. Your contributions are always good and appreciated by me.


It all depends on people we live with or who we call ours. Some relationship starts as asset, but ends up as liability. It has happened to me. I tried to show love but ended up being the bad person.


When going into a new situation, everyone always wants to know what the other person is able to bring to the table. This isn’t just about finances either. Working relationships require investments of your most valuable resources like time and energy. In theory you get out what you put in. A good relationship will always have it’s ups and downs, but overall the parties involved should be better financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually together. If one or two of you are feeling drained in any of these categories it might be time to conduct a cost/benefit analysis of the relationship to figure out if what you have is worth keeping or even salvaging if it has gotten to to that point.
