Learn to program your mind - Aprende a programar tu mente


A practical method of mental reprogramming

We program ourselves with what we see, hear, and feel, I will give you tips to change your mind and improve your life.

Do it for 90 days or 3 months on a mandatory basis.

Make a calendar for every day, no day off. With this, you are looking to create a new habit. Do it first for a week defining the objective of the programming, for example, healthy eating.

Método práctico de reprogramación mental

Nos programamos con lo que vemos, escuchamos y sentimos, te daré tips para que cambies tu mente y mejores tu vida.

Hacerlo por 90 días o 3 meses de forma obligatoria.

Hacer un calendario para todos los días, no se descansa ningún día. Con esto se busca crear un nuevo hábito. Hacerlo primero por una semana definiendo el objetivo de la programación, por ejemplo alimentación sana.

Foto de cottonbro en Pexels

The calendar must involve the senses, that is to say, the activities must be related and must activate some sense, for example, smell, hearing, sight, touch, and taste. The nervous system must be moved. Not only use the mind, involve the body.

Example of a mental program to lose weight


  • Monday visual stimulation: watching movies inspired by a weight change, image change programs, pictures of a body at its ideal weight, yours or how you would like to look.

  • Tuesday auditory stimulation: listening to music related to looking good, feeling good, reading poetry that has the inspiration to lose weight, making affirmations and repeating them aloud, recording your voice with motivational messages, and listening to it with your eyes closed.

  • Wednesday sensory stimulus: exercise, dance, massage, make love.

  • Thursday olfactory stimulus: smell food that you like and it is healthy to enjoy its smell, enjoy the smell of nature, fresh air.

  • Friday gustatory stimulus: eat, eat something healthy and that you like, taste with patience, and calm each bite, enjoy the texture, the sensation that produces that food, analyze how you feel.

  • Saturday: visual, auditory, and sensory stimulus. It's 3 o'clock on the same day, for example, "food with friends" involves taste, touch, smell, and emotions.

  • Sunday: another activity that mixes various stimuli.

In the second week, a schedule is placed, of the activities that if it worked for you in the previous week, repeat it with a fixed schedule in the day and always go looking for the activity that you liked and worked.

El calendario debe involucrar los sentidos, es decir las actividades deben estar relacionadas y deben activar algún sentido por ejemplo el olfato, el oído, la vista, el tacto y el gusto. Se debe mover el sistema nervioso. No sólo usar la mente, involucrar el cuerpo.

Ejemplo de programa mental para bajar de peso


  • Lunes estímulo visual: ver películas inspiradas en un cambio de peso, programas de cambio de imagen, fotos de un cuerpo en su peso ideal, suyas o de cómo le gustaría verse.

  • Martes estímulo auditivo: escuchar música relacionada con verse bien, sentirse bien, leer poesía que tengan inspiración para bajar de peso, hacer afirmaciones y repetirlas en voz alta, grabar tu voz con mensajes motivadores y escucharlo con los ojos cerrados.

  • Miércoles estímulo sensorial: hacer ejercicio, bailar, darse un masaje, hacer el amor.

  • Jueves estímulo olfativo: oler una comida que le guste y sea saludable disfrutar su olor, disfrute del olor de la naturaleza, el aire fresco.

  • Viernes estímulo gustativo: coma, alimentese de algo saludable y que le guste, saboree con paciencia y calma cada bocado, disfrute de la textura, la sensación que le produce ese alimento, analice cómo se siente.

  • Sábado: estímulo visual, auditivo, y sensorial. Son las 3 el mismo día por ejemplo, "comida con los amigos" involucra gusto, tacto, olfato y emociones.

  • Domingo: otra actividad que mezcla varios estímulos.

La segunda semana se coloca un horario, de las actividades que si te resultó en la semana anterior repetirla con un horario fijo en el día y siempre ir buscando la actividad que te gustó y resultó.

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Foto de Olya Kobruseva en Pexels


All this information I have acquired through books, television programs, and various media, is a collection of tips and personal studies that led me to conclude how to change an unhealthy habit for one that leads to success.

This is an example of mental reprogramming, which can be adapted according to your needs and desires, per year I recommend to do only two with a commitment to be effective. You do one for 3 months then rest for 3 months and decide to do another mental reprogramming for another purpose.

You need to know, that if what you want is to get rid of negative habits, the best way is to reinforce the positive habit that counteracts it.

If you want to lose weight, do a healthy weight program, if you want to stop smoking do an exercise program, if there is economic stability do a program of economic prosperity


Toda esta información la he adquirido a través de libros, programas de televisión y diversos medios de comunicación, es una recopilación de tips y estudios personales que me llevaron a concluir como se debe cambiar un hábito poco saludable por uno que nos lleve al éxito.

Este es un ejemplo de una reprogramación mental, que puede ser adaptada según sus necesidades y anhelos, por año recomiendo hacer solo dos con compromiso para que sea efectivo. Se realiza una de 3 meses luego se descansa 3 meses y se decide hacer otra reprogramación mental con otro propósito.

Es importante que sepa, que si lo que desea es deshacerse de hábitos negativos, la mejor manera es reforzar el hábito positivo que lo contrarresta.

Si quiere bajar de peso, haga un programa de peso saludable, si quiere dejar de fumar haga un programa de ejercicios, si hay estabilidad económica haga un programa de prosperidad económica.

Always focus on the positive, remember that what you focus on expands.

If you want to comment on this topic or tell me what your mental reprogramming plan would be like, I'd be happy to read you the comments.

Enfóquese siempre en lo positivo, recuerde que aquello en lo que se enfoca se expande.

Si quieres hacerme algún comentario sobre este tema o contarme cómo sería tu plan de reprogramación mental con gusto te leo en los comentarios.

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¿Aún no tienes una cuenta de Hive? ¡Regístrate gratis aquí!

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💰Errores que alejan la energía del dinero 💵 / Mistakes that keep energy from money awayDo you know how to attract the energy of Money?

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Very useful advice! Thank you for sharing! I hope it will help people even thou people rarely cease the old habits, positive or negative.


Yes, I am going to put it into practice myself, and these are things that do give results. Last year I started to do NLP challenges and I feel very satisfied with what I have achieved.

Thanks for leaving me a nice comment.@careassktart


Well, you have invested some effort into this post & you sound very serious about it. So, I believe you're gonna make it! 😉

What is NLP?


Thank you, NLP is neurolinguistic programming

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy, created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, USA, in the 1970s. It holds that there is a connection between neurological ("neuro") processes, language ("linguistics"), and learned behavior patterns through experience ("programming"), claiming that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

Thanks for your question, I should have defined those acronyms in the post. But as I've done before in other publications, I forgot to do it in this one.

Thank you @careassaktart


WoW! It seems like you know a lot about this! You are doing your own research or you have studied it?

Nevermind about defining the acronyms. It's fine this way too - when we communicate through comments.


I don't really know much, I'm studying it in a self-taught way, I like reading related to the topic.

There are many books on the subject and on youtube there is also information.

For example make your mom wishes, write down your goals and define the why and for what, make you reaffirm them and if you see them daily and pronounce them aloud. You have a better chance of achieving them. This is an exercise in NLP


You're studying will definitely be useful to you!

It is something similar to manifestation of thoughts.


I like everything that has to do with thought and energies.

The manifestation of thought through energy, one feels an emotion when one sees a desire materialized.

Thank you for reading and commenting, you are always welcome. @careassaktart


Thank you too & I wish your transformation comes to you as you imagine & desire it! Good luck!
