The Good You Do


We may have heard about the popular story of a shepherd that has a large herd and at a point, one of the sheep went missing. The shepherd did not leave that one sheep to be lost (judging by the fact that he has many others left), he left the remaining and went after the lost one and searched for it until he found it.

Now many people may see this act as unnecessary and an endangerment to the lives of others in the bid to look for one lost. Well, you may not fully understand this act of goodness until you are that particular sheep that was lost. This is why goodness should be without recourse to terms and conditions but should be unto everyone. Some people may already be passing through "deep shit" and your acts of goodness may be the only hope they have for the day. Denying them that particular goodness may totally break them.

Image from Pixabay

Your act of goodness should not only be reserved for people that you hope to receive something from or for only those that have done you good, it should be to all. If you favour only a selected few or only those that favour you, then it is not goodness but business.

We all appreciate good to be done to us but the question is "how many people do you do good to"? Making humanity better starts by always seeking for the good you will do to others and not the other way round. No doubt, goodness will naturally follow those that act towards the line of goodness. The law of planting and harvesting answers to more places than just in farming. When you plant goodness, then expect goodness. In the same way, those that only tilt towards cruelty will be met with cruelty.

Each time someone tells you "thank you" because of your acts of goodness towards them, then you have affected humanity positively in your own way. The change we need in the world should definitely begin with us. If you want humanity to be better, then you have to be better yourself. Always have it in mind that there is no seed of goodness you sow that is ever wasted - so keep being good.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all
