Mindflayer sculpt Update - Zbrush [ WIP ]



I decided to make it a bust, only head. Still in concept/sketch form, not big details are done. I am still siguring out the general shape and feel of the creature. The angry expression is hard to full of with such a soft creature. I had to add some kind of muscle and hard surfaces to the face in order it to work. Still not sure what I am doing. Video link of the post is down below.

Mind flayers might comprise the single most dangerous threat to the dominion of humanoids in the daylight lands of the surface world."
— Lords of Madness, page 4

As I learned from my friends who plays dnd every week, this creature is very dangerous, and in fact we need to run without looking back if we encounter one of them. So This model has to be somewhat scary. Octupus are cute when they are in the water ^^ Their movements are smooth. Tentacles are more muscle like in this form, I am still not sure about the anatomy. We'll see what we are gonna get.


For the future zbrush posts i am gonna focus more on terrain pieces rather than creature and character design. I am doing this mainly for education and fun but the other huge part of this is a stable income. I sold 2 models in the past two months ( 3 $ each ) I am planning to increase the price of the models to 5-10$ range. I notice people tend to buy package models , the ones that includes lots of parts rather than one individual creature. I am gonna make more model packs.

If you are interested to buy some of my models here is the cgtrade link for you

MY TWITCH ( also you can watch the video of this post here )

See you next time #3d


Things don't necessarily have to have a facial expression that we would find scary/intimidating, often just recognising the form of something we know is dangerous will be enough. So you could give this thing a happy smily expression but if people know what mindflayers do and know that's the shape of a mindflayer they will run away regardless XD

This thing looks alright. Are you done with it now or going to do a bit more before moving on?


I'll clean this up and have more detail for the next stream and i'll move on to terrain pieces. Maybe I print this for fun ^^


Your DnD troupe will probably have some fun floating it through a dungeon to run away from XD
