RE: Can We go back to the the 'Old Normal' Soon? ... my experiences, thoughts, opinions, and research


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I feel you. Humans need the affection and assurance we get from human touch. A simple pat on the back, a handshake, fist bump, a high five. Those are the things that keep us all connected. But I also believe that humans have the ability to adapt. Sooner or later, we will be able to find ways to make the new normal work for us. That's just coming from a side of me that's full of hope. In reality, I also know that these are indeed the most trying times of our lives. I hope that amidst the turmoil that's happening all over the world, that we all find refuge in prayer and faith in the strength of humanity.

I like your closing message. Stay sane. We all need to do that. :)


Hahaha yea, the closing is the best of the whole article I think hahaha did cost me 2 seconds to think of it and 2 seconds to write it. rest took me hours hahaha... anyway, I actually think we dont need the new normal, or at least for a very short period of time. If these scientist are correct, I think we can go back to normal in a few months. Maybe September, maybe October. Till that time, I'll survive. Not sure about the rest though. I see, hear and feel the negativity and rebellion becoming stronger in society. Thanks for passing by and dropping your response, views and wished :)
