What Works and What Does Not Work - Roundhouse Kick Defense ( Self Defense Situation # 146)


When you practice martial art and do sparring with your training partner, it seems what you are taught, it works. Your training partner knows what you are about to do, maybe he lets you do that.

What Works and What Does Not Work  Roundhouse Kick Defense.jpg

Welcome back to Self Defense Situation # 146.

Every situation is different and you cannot fit one thing in every situation. What works in one situation, that might not work in another situation. When you fight for self defense, your move should be based on the situation.

Sparring with an open mind is important to figure out what works or not. Ask your training partner to attack you the way people are going to attack for real, and see what you can do to defend yourself.

When I say something works and something does not work, I just share my opinions and experience. I hope it will help you in your martial art training. I respect all martial artists.

Let's watch this video and then we talk about what will work and what will not work in a fight. This is not my video and all video credit goes to Shahabuddin karate.

Source and Video Credit

If you have watched this video, let's get to the main point. In this video, you see how to defend a roundhouse kick. The way it shows using both hands to defend a roundhouse kick, it works fine. You can do it.

If you have not practiced this, you might find it difficult to do that. When you practice with your training partner, your hands will be conditioned and you can easily defend the kick.

Now come to the second part. After blocking a roundhouse kick with both hands, you usually do not get a chance to catch the attacker's leg like this what is shown in this video. The attacker will quickly get his leg back after delivering the kick.

You can use palm slap parry to defend the roundhouse kick as well. To catch the attacker's leg, you need to do parry with one hand and grab his leg with another hand at the same time. Then you will be able to catch the attacker's leg.

So what do you think about this? Please feel free to share your opinions and experience in the comment section.

Thank you so much for reading this post. Stay safe. Always be happy!

About Me

Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. I make videos without me on the video. Well, you cannot see me, but you can hear my voice. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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Good Post. Congratulations.


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