Subjective Helplessness


"No matter what I do, I am powerless."



"No matter what I do, I am powerless."

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Is, unfortunately, a belief that plagues the minds of many, especially in our current modern society. Only those born in rather fortunate circumstances seem to escape this psychological state, but for the many, it becomes the unfortunate reality.

While we are kids we can't help but be helpless, we are young and our minds lack in both the development and expertise necessary to navigate through life. We are fully dependent on our parents, a guardian, or whoever our caregiver happens to be. We are dependent on others for our survival, experiencing objective helplessness, helplessness based on objective reality.



This kind of helplessness recedes though as one grows both physically and mentally, but in the present society though, with objective helplessness receding, another form of helplessness starts taking root in one's both conscious and unconscious minds, not based on objective reality, but rather based on one's psychological and emotional attitude towards life in general. This new type of helplessness is what is called Subjective Helplessness.

What eventually happens to those who fall, a victim of this pernicious psychological state, is they become more and more incapable of dealing with what we all know as the harsh realities of life. It all becomes too much, there seems to be no way through it all.

The belief that none of one's actions matter, things will never change, one can never make a difference, becomes one's new reality, one completely believing that their destiny is out of one's control, there is no point in trying to put any effort in life.



If this attitude lasts for too long, one's life becomes little more than the attempt to flee from anxiety, depression, and boredom – and this should not be surprising.

If you believe yourself to be helpless you will stop trying to find solutions to your problems, cease striving to accomplish goals, and rather choose to settle into complacency that rids your life of any meaning or purpose.

The times we live in require rather more awareness.

I will see you HIVERS in my next update.

Stay magical!


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