A Night of Hunting Part 1


Pixabay image source

At dawn in the gloom of a cold forest, invaded by pure silence, where the crow's song does not exist to announce the day, in the solitude of the depths of this miserable forest, there is a man with a hat who is tied to a tree, wake up to the drizzle that invades your face.

¿What is here, where are my brother and my dog? I just remember that.

¿How it began? You didn't know and you weren't interested in knowing now. All you wanted was to survive.

Yesterday it came to my mind when I left my home, since everything was a constant fight with my wife to not get married, I just wanted to share with my brother. I had to leave my house to leave a moment of my monotony, I will go down to look for the shotgun in the basement, I also went to the patio of my house for my dog, who was already sick to see if the air of the field and outside the house all his discomfort improved.

¿Where are my brother and my dog? Why am I tied to this tree? Nothing makes sense.

I only hear the rain fall in this desolation, but when I move I see shadows that haunt me, I do not know if it is my mind that betrays me and leaves me the reason for reality, but I calm down and observe that I had my shotgun nearby, but I couldn't find how to take it while tied up it's a hell of a fight. I hear many hellish noises approaching me, only red eyes look like hell itself, it only comes to mind that I am imprisoned.

¿What will happen to this mysterious unknown man ?, in the forest and therefore tied up, wait for the next installment of this story .....



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