
Since the day I joined the beautiful and sublime Sunday, I learned to treasure the importance of giving value on what I had been doing every day. Its a kind of addiction though I was so busy.

Last Sunday, I was in front of the house, sitting on the stairs and looking up the empty garden. Today is not the right time to plant since the season is too hot. But I managed to grow the flowers on both sides of the stairs going to the main door.

They grew healthier than on the other side.

Happiness in my heart is immeasurable when I saw the cats were sleeping under the plants. How if there's no plant? Where they hide from the direct sunlight at noontime? I realized that we must do the welfare of our pets. If I could only let them get inside the house. But I respect my boss and so grateful that they allowed me to feed and care for all the stray cats outside.
The other side flowers don't grow like on the other side.

Look at the position of the cats, they looked so comfortable lying under the plants.


I considered my day a beautiful sublime day when I am with my pets outside.


Whitey and Sugar were behind the bars looking for me to get inside the house and they were supposed to be following me. Whitey is too funny, he did it all the time and he is the only one allowed inside.

Sugar is something sometimes got jealous but I'm so sorry I could not let them all in.

This is a lemon tree.

I hope one day I could see a fruit on it. We are just utilizing the fresh leaves for tea.

There are so many things I really missed in the garden and sooner, I will ask my boss to start planting again.

My garden before that was full of life.

The house looked so different when there is a flowers that blooms in front of it.

I am now mesmerizing my life who love nature. I want to live in a mountain but I have no choice, I will make a way to have it here. I love looking something green around.

Thats all for today. Though its Tuesday but Im posting about the #sublimeSunday initiated ny @coffee3a. I would like to say hello to @ace108 for a #beautifulsunday. I also missed it.

Thank you for dropping by!

