

I have been very stressed for the past two weeks. I can't remember the last time I had close to 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. There is just so much to do in a short space of time. I have got personal, family and even community issues to deal with.

The reality is I have taken more than I should. I am stretching myself to my limits and it is telling on my body (I am quite lazy, I must admit). In my bit to maximize almost every opportunity, I have diminished my productivity.

The thing is, whenever I get overwhelmed my default response is to become inactive or frustrated which takes the verve out of me. I love to think that I am emotionally connected to the things I do and I perform better when I am enthusiastic about the task ahead.

Sometimes (like now), I have to work through the numbness to find my way back. It is not the most ideal situation and most times I hope the period of drought doesn't last longer than expected as it always results in depression and subpar work.

Rest is an important part of the process of finding your creative spark. Most people tend to want to do more during this period. I equate that to working out with a major injury. It is ineffective and aggravates the injury.

The best way to look at rest is seeing it as an activity. We are of this notion that when we rest we are actively doing nothing but that's not the case. While resting you allow your body to repair and recharge, putting you back to that optimal level where you perform at your best.

Resting is an activity. Just like every other thing else you need to put in conscious effort to be good at it--resting. Recently, I have had to force myself to go to bed before 12, so I have had at least 5-6 hours of quality sleep. This goes a long way in determining the type of day I have.

I have noticed that when I sleep less, my day is a lot messy and I end up not being as productive as I would be on a normal day. For instance, throughout yesterday I was feeling tired, mostly due to the fact that I did not get a decent night's rest.

Feeling weak and unmotivated can also be as a result of the things we tell ourselves. I can't remember how many times I said I was tired yesterday but it was a lot and so everything about me reflected that.

So it will help to say positive things about yourself and day to get the best of both. Also, remember to rest. Your result should double the effort you put in any given task--that's the goal.

I am going to try to use the remaining days I have to spend with my family resting (and going for driving lessons). This much I can do right now. Taking everything a step at a time. Cheers!


Good morning Chief, please try and get some rest and please ask for help if you are tired instead of working yourself under the table.

Can I help relieve you of your many chores in any way?


Can I help relieve you of your many chores in any way?

Thanks mate. Holding off my end. thanks for the support


Its not easy my brother. I feel for you, just so many activities at the same time.

The best way to look at rest is seeing it as an activity.

I remember when I was taught the difference between rest and sleep. It just doesn't feel easy to rest when alot still needs to be done. No matter how you look at the word REST , in my opinion it still feels difficult. I also think of Body Adaptation and Mindset. But overall, I think you are still right we need to set time to rest.

Goodluck with your driving lessons!


I remember when I was taught the difference between rest and sleep. It just doesn't feel easy to rest when alot still needs to be done. No matter how you look at the word REST , in my opinion it still feels difficult. I also think of Body Adaptation and Mindset. But overall, I think you are still right we need to set time to rest.

Our bodies never really adapt to stress. stress physiological and psychological illnesses, so it is best to have a healthy balance between work and our personal life

Goodluck with your driving lessons!

Thank you very much


It's hard to rest when your mind keeps telling you that there's still a lot to be done, resting becomes really hard because you feel like you're wasting time and opportunities.

It happens to me a lot and I end up being frustrated. Then I try to over work myself, it ends up in more frustration, less productivity and depression because I cant actually get my mind to do anything productive. So I just end up taking a break doing something else I enjoy.

You need a break bro, I guess the driving lessons could be something else to think about but then it could be work too and your brain might start thinking about it too much because you'll want to get it over with and be able to do something else.

Take a day or two to enjoy life out of this space and other works you do, it'll charge up your mind for the Remaining days.

Wish you good luck bro


It happens to me a lot and I end up being frustrated. Then I try to over work myself, it ends up in more frustration, less productivity and depression because I cant actually get my mind to do anything productive. So I just end up taking a break doing something else I enjoy.

The struggles of an overthinker...I can relate.

Take a day or two to enjoy life out of this space and other works you do, it'll charge up your mind for the Remaining days.

I am trying to take a break. i should round up most of my important activities for the year next week


Resting is very important to maintain good health and remain productive.

I love the fact that you now see Rest as an important activity that also requires deliberate effort.

In terms of meeting up with many scheduled activities, I will advise you to try using the 80/20 Pareto principle.
The Pareto principle can also be applied to our daily activities where completing the most important activities (top 20%) in a day can sum up for the other 80%. The principle relies heavily on the level of importance attached to each task and deadline.

Awesome write-up, my friend @nonsowrites. Much love😍


Thank you for the tip bro. I am aware of the Pareto principle and I use it in my daily life.


So it will help to say positive things about yourself and day to get the best of both.

This actually works.


My advice: Do not allow your bed to be a place of worry or thinking. When you hit that mattress it is a safe place for sleeping.

I had to train myself to do this over the years. It takes some practice, but it makes a huge difference. Even if you know you have a lot of stressful things to do, and you have to get up early; put it all to the side when you lay down. Your mind will eventually get it.


Thank you very much for the advice @nuthman. The battle of the mind is something we all deal with every day and have to learn how to overcome each time. I am getting better at it each day


I remember working quite heavily last month with little rest...I fell sick almost immediately.

Thank God I'm better now ... please try and rest a little.


Watch out with sleep deprivation, it can have nasty effects.


Whether you like it or not, your body needs to rest. Determine what it is you have to do and what you'd like to do. Get what's required out of the way and then take a rest when you need it. Sometimes, when I get stressed, I'll plan sometime away. It doesn't have to be far. Hell, when I can I'll just hang around at home and do nothing.

Plan your rest or your body will do it for you. Your frustration can also lead to something good. It could also be a sign that you're working harder and not smarter. Improving your work efficiency could be the thing that would allow you to do more with less and much more efficienctly.


Hell, when I can I'll just hang around at home and do nothing.

The doing nothing part is an onerous task. Struggling with the notion of filling my time with meaningful activities--work. I am learning to value rest as a meaningful activity as well and doing so without feeling guilty.


Hmm. Then consider it poor word choices on my part. Instead, I'll write you should shift your focus. Lower the strain of your concentration. There's nothing wrong with doing "nothing" from time to time. The intent is to reduce your stress by working with something else. Trust me, stress is meant to be lowered from time to time.
