A lost love (Chapter 7): More Woes



Are you married? Hulu asked.

No! Moses replied shockingly.

I don't know what to expect from you, I feel like I don't know you at all and that you are hiding a mountain of secrets... Hulu said.

You can ask me anything and I'll tell you, I'm not hiding anything... Moses said

Hulu has her heart filled with doubt about him and she wanted to clear her doubts once and for all. Her suspicion became more evident when she never got to meet Moses' brother. During the Christmas period, Moses had told her that his younger brother was coming over for the holidays, so she left his house to stay with her sister. But during this time, Moses never introduced them, he would come to her workplace to visit her but she never met his brother. She didn't think much about it until her colleague told her, it was probably his wife and kids or another girlfriend. She suggested to Hulu pay them a surprised visit just to be sure there wasn't another woman but Hulu is not the type to involve herself in drama, especially a drama of boys. But this wasn't the only issue, in a bid to know him very well, Hulu asked Moses the name of his younger sister after seeing a photo of her. It shouldn't be a big deal, but Moses gave the weirdest response.

Why are you asking me my sister's name... He asked.

Is it wrong to know your sister's name? I'm just trying to get to know you and your background. Shouldn't I have this info if I'm your girlfriend? Hulu replied.

He muttered her name but Hulu was no longer interested. She simply felt he didn't take his relationship with her serious enough, she was probably his side piece.

It was a new year and Hulu was back living partly with him, she couldn't even remember the last time she was genuinely happy. But she felt it was too early to leave, they've only dated for 3 months so she felt that they are still getting to know each other, adjust, and make compromises to make it work. Yes, she wanted to make it work, she had already fallen for him and she was beginning to forget about the height factor that worried her at first.

So far, she found out that Moses hardly speaks, though she didn't mind at first, it worried her a lot later because she couldn't different when he was hiding something from when he is actually being the quiet Moses. She wished he would speak more, answer her questions, that way she will understand him more and not always feel like he was hiding something. She wanted to trust him so badly, but he wasn't making it easy.

And then there was a hygienic factor... Moses' personal hygiene was very poor, Hulu noticed that he wore one underpants for days. This was a huge turnoff for her, each time she talked about it, he will stop for a while and then go back to the habit. Hulu decide that each day he wore an underpant more than once, she wouldn't have sexual relations with him, it worked. But Hulu no longer found him appealing sexually as a result of the relationship worries that filled her heart, so one underpants a day couldn't even save their sex life.

I hope I'm not stopping you from getting married?...

This question was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
