3 Foods that you didn't like before and now you do|| 3 Comidas que antes no te gustaban y ahora si // [ENG//ESP]

Authored by @Nayromero

Hello friends of Hive, Welcome to my blog.!


Today I want to join the @littlegremlin initiative which invites us to share 3 meals that I didn't like to eat before but now I do, an initiative that fills me with childhood memories because when I was little at home they nicknamed me the bad mouth (laughs) since I did not like to eat many things. But that changed over time and right now there are a thousand things that I enjoy eating and before I did not want not to see them, that is why I am going to share with you these 3 foods:

Hoy quiero unirme a la iniciativa de @littlegremlin la cual nos invita a compartir 3 comidas que antes no me gustaban comer pero ahora sí, una iniciativa que me llena de recuerdos de la infancia pues cuando pequeña en casa me apodaban la mala boca (risas) ya que no me gustaba comer muchas cosas. Pero eso cambio con el tiempo y ahorita hay mil cosas que disfruto comerlas y antes no quería no verlas, es por eso que voy a compartir con ustedes estas 3 comidas:

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3 Comidas que antes no te gustaban y ahora si || 3 foods that you didn't like before and now you do

Sopa de Pescado - Fish soup

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I really didn't like soup of any kind, I used to eat it sometimes and when it was chicken, I didn't like it at all I always told my mom I'm not going to eat that water, that's not food (laughs), but this changed Over time I remember getting sick and feeling so bad that I couldn't eat anything and my mother made me some delicious soups, which she felt relieved me and helped me regain strength. I gradually got the taste of it and when I realized it had become one of my favorite foods, now I love it and my favorite is the one I liked the least, fish.

Realmente no me gustaba sopa de ningún tipo, solía comerla a veces y cuando era de pollo, no me gustaba en lo absoluto siempre le decía a mi mamá yo no voy a comer esa agua, eso no es comida (risas), pero esto cambio con el tiempo recuerdo que enferme y me sentía tal mal que no podía comer nada y mi madre me preparaba unas ricas sopas, las cuales sentía que me aliviaban y me ayudaban a recobrar fuerzas. Fui agarrándole el gusto poco a poco y al darme cuenta se había convertido en una de mis comidas favoritas, ahora me encanta y mi favorita es la que menos me gustaba, la de pescado.

Pescado Desmenuzado | Shredded Fish

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In general, in eastern Venezuela, people eat a lot of fish, especially the famous dogfish and shredded ray, I didn't like this food at all, I don't know why, but the taste was unpleasant, especially when they filled arepas or made empanadas. . That changed a lot, little by little I was leaving my suspicions and I started to eat it, and it is really delicious sometimes we do not eat something not because of how it tastes but because of how it looks and I always thought that the fish should be fried, not stewed, this was the main one. which is why I didn't like it, but now I really enjoy it.

Por lo general en el oriente de Venezuela se come mucho pescado, sobre todo el famoso cazón y la raya desmenuzada, a mí esta comida no me gustaba en absoluto no sé porque pero el sabor se me hacía desagradable sobre todo cuando rellenaban arepas o hacían empanada. Eso cambio mucho poco a poco fui dejando mi recelo y empecé a comerlo, y es realmente delicioso a veces no comemos algo no por como sabe sino por como se ve y yo siempre pensé que el pescado debía ser frito no guisado, esta era la principal razón por la cual no me gustaba, pero ahora lo disfruto mucho.

Berenjena | Eggplant

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I did not like it and so far I do not like it very much but I have learned to eat it, especially in stew I must admit that when eggplant is added to stews the food is much richer, I still do not eat it alone as such but I have learned to eat it with other foods and it gives them a really delicious taste.

No me gustaba y hasta ahora no es que me guste mucho pero he aprendido a comerla, sobre todo en guiso debo admitir que cuando se le agrega berenjena a los guisos la comida queda mucho más rica, todavía no la como sola como tal pero he aprendido a comerla acompañada de otras comidas y les da un gusto realmente delicioso.

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Well friends, these are the 3 foods that I did not like before and now I do, not only do I like them but I love them and they have become my favorite foods. I hope you liked it and I want to invite my friends @delvallecedeno and @litzismar to participate in this initiative.

Bueno amigos están son las 3 comidas que antes no me gustaban y ahora sí, no solo me gustan sino que me encantan y se han convertido en mis comidas favoritas. Espero les haya gustado y quiero invitar a participar en esta iniciativa a mis amigos @delvallecedeno y @litzismar.

Thank you once again dear friends for reading and visiting my blog. !!

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Gracia por unirte a mi iniciativa y compartir esas comidas que no te gustan. saludos para ti!!
