Bellas Flores Silvestres Miniaturas/Beautiful Wild Flowers Miniatures

Me encanta el color de estas bellas flores silvestres, es un color maravilloso que simboliza la energía del amor, el amor en todo, el amor a las flores, a los animales, a los seres humanos, a la naturaleza y a la Madre Tierra. Estas pequeñas flores me llenan de alegría, de regocijo, de amor, y ternura. Cada día crece más mi conexión con ellas y con la naturaleza, mi niño interno es feliz.

I love the color of these beautiful wild flowers, it is a wonderful color that symbolizes the energy of love, love in everything, love of flowers, animals, human beings, nature and Mother Earth. These little flowers fill me with joy, joy, love, and tenderness. Every day my connection with them and with nature grows more, my inner child is happy.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-100, F/2/TV 1/100

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-100, F/2/TV 1/100

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/143

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/148

Thanks for viewing and reading my

Camera: Blu G6
Location: Venezuela
by: @mirla33
