Cómo @appreciator cambia mi vida ..." Cambio mi vida para bien, desde el primer momento que me votó| How @appreciator changes my life ... "I change my life for good, from the first moment I voted.


Bienvenidos a mi blog

Welcome to my blog


Hola a todos los amigos que hacen vida en esta comunidad. Me uno a este reto de esta iniciativa de @rutablockchain y @bluemist donde se solicita realizar una publicación donde contaras de que forma el voto de @appreciator ha impactado en tu vida, dentro y fuera de la plataforma.
Hello to all the friends who make life in this community. I join this challenge of this initiative of @rutablockchain and @bluemist where you are asked to make a publication where you will tell how the vote of @appreciator has impacted your life, inside and outside the platform.
Este concurso es una excelente oportunidad, siempre pensaba como nos podíamos poner en contacto con @appreciator en ese inmenso mar por donde navega, solo sé que tiene un gran poder de voto, con este concurso siento que se me cumplió mi sueño ahora sabre mas de él.
This contest is an excellent opportunity, I always thought how we could get in touch with @appreciator in that immense sea where he sails, I only know that he has great voting power, with this contest I feel that my dream came true now that I will know more about him.
Mi transitar en esta plataforma no ha sido fácil, siempre he buscado ayuda, algunos me han ayudado que se los agradezco y otros ni pendiente.
My journey on this platform has not been easy, I have always sought help, some have helped me, I thank them and others are not pending.

Fotografía es de mi galería de fotos.
Conocí @appreciator por un usuario que esta constantemente activo en la plataforma y cuando en forma privada chateaba con él, me hablaba de orcas y ballenas, que habían 3 que eran muy poderosas en cuanto a su poder de voto, el me contaba eso y lo veía como un cuento de hadas, incluso me contaba que a él lo votaban los tres, le comentaba a mi nunca me votaran esas orcas y ballenas como tu me cuentas y el se reía, me decía ya veras que te votara.
I met @appreciator by a user who is constantly active on the platform and when he privately chatted with him he told me about killer whales and whales which were 3 very powerful in terms of their voting power, he told me that and he saw it as a fairy tale, he even told me that he was voted by all three, he told me that those killer whales and whales would never vote for me as you tell me and he would laugh at me would say. You will see that I voted for you.
Internamente siempre soñaba que me votaran. Y llego el gran día, fui votada por @appreciator, la emoción era tan grande, desde ese entonces mi vida cambio, para mejor y trabajar en la plataforma activamente, trato de mejorar la calidad de los post, las palabras de mi amigo se hicieron realidad, te va a votar, le comenté a mi amigo y le dije @appreciator me voto de un solo guamazo. Esa anécdota con la palabra guamazo quedo fijada en la memoria de mi amigo, cuando me vota appreciator siempre me escribe y me dice te voto @appreciator de un solo guamazo y lo que hago es reírme. @appreciator me ha votado en contadas oportunidades, siempre que lo hace siento emoción, quiero agradecerle las veces que me ha votado, pero no se donde hacerlo. Mi primer post votado por appreciator hace tres meses: https://hive.blog/hive-148441/@mariela53/behind-the-photo-contest-number-9-angelon-lemon-ginger-and-linden-mariela53
Internally I always dreamed of being voted. And the big day came, I was voted by @appreciator, the emotion was so great, since then my life changed, for the better and to actively work on the platform, I try to improve the quality of the posts, my friend's words were made Actually, he is going to vote for you, I told my friend and I told him @appreciator, he voted me in one go. That anecdote with the word guamazo is fixed in the memory of my friend, when he appreciates me he always writes to me and tells me I vote @appreciator of a single guamazo and what I do is laugh. @appreciator has voted me a few times, whenever I feel emotional, I want to thank him for the times he voted for me, but I don't know where to do it. My first post voted by appreciator three months ago:: https://hive.blog/hive-148441/@mariela53/behind-the-photo-contest-number-9-angelon-lemon-ginger-and-linden-mariela53.
En relación a como me ha impactado fuera de la plataforma, estoy agradecida, porque lo que he recibido en recompensa, no es una gran cantidad, pero es más de lo que gano como empleada, lo he utilizado para comprar alimentos, medicamentos, productos de aseo personal, eso sí soy planificada, dependiendo de las recompensas hago las compras, es de resaltar que soy empleada y gano sueldo mínimo, quien vive en Venezuela con un sueldo mínimo, nadie, gracias a esta plataforma, que es mi medio de trabajo tambien he podido sobrevivir en mi país, espero seguir teniendo los votos de @appreciator.
Regarding how it has impacted me off the platform, I am grateful, because what I have received as a reward is not a large amount, but it is more than I earn as an employee , what I have used to buy food, medicine, personal hygiene products, that I am planning, depending on the rewards that I make the purchases, it is worth mentioning that I am an employee and earn a minimum wage, that lives in Venezuela with a minimum salary, nobody, thanks to this platform, which is my means of work, I have also been able to survive in my country, I hope to continue having the votes of @appreciator.

Gracias por leerme, hasta un próximo encuentro.

Thanks for reading, until next time.


I am glad to know that your journey started with a laugh and I hope it stays like that


If @bluemist that anecdote I will never forget, I feel comfortable on the platform and thank you for existing and being aware of these little fish that we want to advance and that we have many needs. God bless you.
