

foto de mi galería/photo of my gallery


Hola! Buenos días! Ser constante trae sus beneficios, y aquí estoy... Hoy les quiero presentar algunos de mis trabajos. Ya les he comentado que he experimentado con varios materiales a traves de los años, pero el foami es un material que se deja moldear, es fácil de pegar, de cortar, de pintar, y es muy liviano.


foto de mi galería/photo of my gallery

Afortunadamente, he visto trabajos en foami que aunque pase el tiempo están intactos, es decir, que bien cuidados, y no expuestos al sol o al frío directamente, tienen una durabilidad sorprendente! De tal manera, maestras de escuelas lograron hacer sus portafolios de carteleras con las temáticas que según las efemérides de cada mes eran seguras de mantenerlas a la mano, y allí estuve presente para apoyarlas, y realizar lo que solicitaban. Con el tiempo solo se le agregaban elementos y siempre estarían ofreciendo un espacio agradable e informativo.


Hello, good morning! Being constant brings its benefits, and here I am.... Today I want to present some of my work. I have already told you that I have experimented with various materials over the years, but foami is a material that can be molded, it is easy to glue, to cut, to paint, and it is very light.

Fortunately, I have seen works in foami that are intact over time, that is, well cared for, and not exposed to direct sunlight or cold, have a surprising durability! In such a way, school teachers were able to make their portfolios of billboards with the themes that according to the ephemeris of each month were safe to keep on hand, and I was there to support them, and do what they requested. As time went by, only elements were added and they would always be offering a pleasant and informative space.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
