30 Day Yoga Challenge with the Magic Monk


Hello everyone. First time posting in GEMS. Nice to meet you all! Hope to interact with more of you over the coming days.

My name is Eddie, also known as the Magic Monk on Youtube. I make Educational videos on Youtube. To me Education encompasses all areas of life, that's why you will see that I do all sorts of videos from teaching Swing Dancing to Mathematics.

Yoga has always been one of the weaker areas of my sporting ability. I am not a naturally flexible person, despite starting Kung Fu when I was 13. Over the years I find that as soon as I stop stretching, I go right back to square one.

I have done my fair share of yoga classes. Normally yoga classes I have been to are really good, but usually I am the least flexible student in the class. The teacher would always say it doesn't matter, and I believe them, but I am still interested in seeing whether I can become more flexible.

Due to covid-19, I am stuck inside the house anyway, so I thought - might as well experiment with doing yoga every single day and see if it makes a difference. I thought I would start with just focusing on doing it once a day for 10 minutes, and gradually ramp that up over a period of time.

After doing it for a few days I am now on 25 minutes per day. Have a look at my youtube videos to see my progress.


Good stuff! You've inspired me to do some lunchtime yoga today!
