[ESP/ENG] Concurso Creativo Hive Reseña del blog de música | Hive Ceative Contest Music Blog Review



Feliz año amigos hivers, que mejor inicio de año que compartir un poco de música y eso es lo que nos trae @zord189 con este concurso.

Happy New Year friends hivers, what better start to the year than to share some music and that's what brings us @zord189 with this contest.

Escoger que canción recomendar es algo difícil por que siempre ando cambiando de canción favorita por día, y cuando me dicen recomiendame alguna canción colapso y mi mente se pone en blanco así que lo que haré aquí es compartir la canción que tengo pegada el día de hoy.

Choosing which song to recommend is somewhat difficult because I'm always changing my favorite song every day, and when they tell me to recommend some song I collapse and my mind goes blank so what I'll do here is share the song I have stuck today.


Captura de mi reproductor de música de mi celular

La cancion que voy a recomendar la conocí usando la aplicación de TikTok ya que se había hecho viral ahí y se ha usado para muchos vídeos tenia meses escuchándola pero nunca me había tomado el tiempo de buscarla y para mi era una cancion de algún artista desconocido.

The song that I am going to recommend I knew it using the application of TikTok since it had gone viral there and it has been used for many videos I had been listening to it for months but I had never taken the time to look for it and for me it was a song of some unknown artist.

Este artista fue desconocido para mi por tantos meses hasta hace unas 3 semana atrás que estando en YouTube apareció otra vez la cancion y descubrí que la cantante es la hija de Will Smith.

This artist was unknown to me for so many months until about 3 weeks ago when the song appeared again on YouTube and I discovered that the singer is Will Smith's daughter.

Willow Smith ya tenia una carrera de cantante de hecho yo la conocí por su cancion debut (al menos para mi) Whip my hair, esta cancion llamada Wait a minute tiene una vibra muy relajada y agradable para escucharla en una reunión pequeña con amigos o para bailar solo en tu habitación.

Willow Smith already had a singing career in fact I knew her for her debut song (at least for me) Whip my hair, this song called Wait a minute has a very relaxed and nice vibe to listen to it in a small meeting with friends or to dance alone in your room.

Esta cancion salio en el año 2015 la cual forma parte de su segundo álbum de estudio "Ardipithecus" pero se hizo viral gracias a TikTok en el año 2019 gracias a un challenge de baile y así se ha mantenido hasta el año pasado, cosa que también ha sucedido con otras canciones lanzadas en años anteriores y que no han tenido tanto éxito en sus fechas de lanzamiento.

This song was released in 2015 which is part of their second studio album "Ardipithecus" but went viral thanks to TikTok in 2019 thanks to a dance challenge and has remained so until last year, which has also happened with other songs released in previous years that have not been as successful in their release dates.

Quiero agradecer a esta plataforma por recordarme y enseñarme música, ya que había perdido contacto con la música occidental gracias a mi amor por el kpop, y esta de todas las nuevas que he agregado a mi lista de reproducción esta entre mis favoritas espero que la disfruten así mismo como yo lo hago y si en algún momento la llegan escuchar espero saber si la disfrutaron.

I want to thank this platform for remembering me and teaching me music, since I had lost contact with western music thanks to my love for kpop, and this one of all the new ones that I have added to my playlist is among my favorites. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and if at any time you listen to it I hope to know if you enjoyed it.

Nos vemos en otra publicación mucho éxito para este año nuevo.

xoxo Andy


Oh, that's so interesting. I didn't know Will Smith's daughter was a singer and musician. Great name, too - Willow Smith. I like the song. Thank you for sharing it!


If she sings very beautifully, the truth is that when I first heard her she was a child but now she is a woman and her voice has changed and she sings even more beautifully, apart from the fact that her name is very original.


Learned something today thanks to your post. First of all, I didn't know Will Smith (one of my favourite actors) had a daughter. Then I didn't know his daughter made music. And then I didn't know "Willow" was his daughter. Never really listened to Willow's work, but came across that name in the past. Now some puzzle pieces fell together :)

Hmmm, not sure if I like the music too much. I shall listen to more of her work which I'll do on one of my next rounds of walks. I just bookmarked her in my Spotify :)


The first time I discovered her I didn't know she was his daughter either and that's what I love about her will smith, as far as her music is concerned it's very relaxed for me to enjoy a book and so maybe that's why the song stuck to me so much.

You can tell me what other songs you liked about her in case you like any of them.


Didn't go through the rest of the music, but I don't think she'll be in my favourite list. But who knows :)
