Hive Creative Contest - The pleasure of drawing what I love.


Hello hivers!
With many expectations, I participate for the first time in the Hive Creative Contest.
Being this week's theme "Life In Pictures" organized by our friend @zord189.
The drawings that illustrate my participation are anime style.
The details of the contest can be found at this link


From a very young age I have liked drawing and inventing stories. I love to watch cartoons like Disney or Anime (Japanese animation). I have other occupations but whenever I can I take time to enjoy watching them over and over again. As a child, immediately upon arriving from school the first thing I wanted to do about the tasks assigned by my teachers was the drawings corresponding to each topic that I had to elaborate.


As a child I made a story, it was very colorful for all the drawings I painted, it is a beautiful story, I still keep it among my most precious things. My older sister suggested registering my copyright, but time passed and we left it for later and everything was like that.


Over the years I have improved my drawing skills. Today, with practice I have reached a more advanced level, which motivates me to want to do better every day. Since I never studied design or anything related to drawing, everything I do is born. When my nephews were little, especially three of them (Raquel, César and Cristóbal), who for me are like my children, we always saw anime and each one gave his opinion about each character and we enjoyed each episode ... remembering Those times when we were little we used to laugh and I felt their age, it can be funny but even though they are already big; for me and I know that for them also nothing in that regard has changed. And I continue to draw, write and create stories.


My niece Raquel is my accomplice in my passion for drawing and creating stories. I like to make the life of everyone around me, family, friends happy and fun. Despite the difficulties we are going through, being positive changes our lives a little. I enjoy what I do and it gives me a lot of joy, pleasure and satisfaction to share with you hivers since in some way we know each other through this great and beautiful platform.

Thanks for reading my Hivers❤️!
