

Good day Friends, life is very complex and most times it's not always easy to journey into success. I have always say to my self, just as a lion doesn't beg for food. I won't beg for food. This has been my watch words for a long time. This has made me to always put more effort in my journey to success.

Although there are sometimes different forms of challenges in life but just because I don't want to beg for food. I put more efforts and failure is not an option for me.
Moving with the right people and also working hard with prayers have been pushing me forward.

Anyone who doesn't want to beg for food must always be on his toes and
never rely on people to make it in life. One must always be strong and strive for the best. So many people have belief that they will definitely eat no matter what without working. They believe in the life of begging. This is extremely bad. Although everybody cannot be rich but we should all work hard and make a living and be happy with the life we live.

Inorder no to beg for food, one must plan his life and be cautious not to live on debt. Debt has ruined so many people because anyone who lives on debt may have to beg for food is care is not taken because even if he is hardworking, he will definitely use his earnings to repay debt always. I always advice people not to be very quick to go after loan from friends or banks because it may not be too easy to return the money as promised.

There are some who also live in credit. They live beyond what they earn. They always believe the money will definitely come but such people if care is not taken will will not be able to live well and be happy.

Thanks for checking my blog today.
