Potted Plants (Freewrite Challenge)


Source: Pixabay

Because of boredom when lockdown has started, people looked for a way to entertain themselves. Social media is a common hobby of many people, while others indulged themselves in TikTok. There are so many challenges online when users has participated in many of them.

Others tried viral foods and beverages like baking, and making dalgona coffee. Netflix usage also escalated, which many has been watching a lot K-Drama either movies or series. But one of the great hobbies is becoming a "plantito" or "plantita" (as termed here in the Philippines) by which many has decided to buy, take care of plants, and sell them.

Potted plants or air plants, they became popular. Such hobby is good for the environment providing more oxygen in the atmosphere. At the same time, it gives a great feeling especially if some of them are indoors. Unheard names of plants are finally known because of the popularity of plants, and may it continue even after pandemic.


Es un buen pasatiempo, además de contribuir con el planeta, te enseña a ser más responsable, cuidadoso y atento, porque estás atendiendo a otro ser vivo, yo teng mi huerto y me emociona cada vez que veo nacer nuevas plantas
