Problems In LIFE - They All are Temporary - Why Worry About Them.


Hey Guys;

Currently, I'm reading a book named Life's Amazing Secret by Gopal Gaur Das. In of the chapters I came across a nice diagram that talks about the mentioned topic of our blog post which is::

Do you Have Problems in LIFE... We ALL DO Have IT in some form or the Other.

I'm sure almost all the people on this planet have some or the other problems in their lives. If they surpass a problem then there comes another on and so on. Life revolves around facing problems and solving them; that's all life is all about.

Problems In LIFE....png

We must remember one thing which is everything is changing in this world. So the problems or any Adversity is not going to be there forever. They come by for some time and we need to handle them appropriately without losing any control or temper or being depressed about it. And start cursing our life that why is it that all the problems come in my life only.

The moment you start cursing yourself and focus on the problem in hand a drastic shift will happen. You will start to notice that really these Adversities in life are temporary and are there for a reason. Imagine if in this world only good was there can we think of any development happening around. No Right? So I guess you now get the point what I'm trying to make about problems and difficulties in LIFE they all are temporary and are there for good and for our growth indeed. WE just need to realize this fact and work on and Adversity that we are facing with the right and positive mindset.

Let us look at the diagram; Problems in LIFE & What Can We Do About IT::



Just carefully look at the diagram and you will be amazed at how the author of the book Gopal Gaur Das has explained about the problems in life we have and what to do about them.

For the Simplicity purpose, I'm breaking down the diagram Steps wise;

  1. Step 1 - Do you have a Problem in LIFE? If the Answer is YES
  2. Can You do anything about the problem in HAND? If the Answer is YES
  3. Then You do You Need to Worry.. There is nothing bothering you and you can just be yourself and face the problem tactfully
  4. If the answer is NO; then again Why worry about it?

Coming to the No Side of IT

  1. Step 1 - Do you have a Problem in LIFE? If the Answer is NO
  2. IF there is no problems in your LIFE then you need not worry about anything and live happily.

So the point I'm trying to make here is that problems are going to come our way and what we need to do is face them. We cannot run away from them. All these problems in life are temporary and knowing this fact I'm sure this is going to help a person face problems with the right mindset and the right attitude.

If we are gonna worry about the problems, take tension, and further attract negativity around us. Things are going to get worse and worse. So as rightly said and explained by the author Gopal Gaur Das Problems are there in LIFE as it is good it is bad. As there is success there is a failure and as there as Wining there is losing. So the best way out to see a problem in hand is to think that these are temporary and are not going to be there forever...

Best Regards...

Life & Problems - Why Worry About iT...

#life #problems #motivation #healthdear

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Best Regards


PS::- All images, artwork, graphics, videos, and other stuff are my original work. And is created using the license version of Pro Canva


I like your posts because they are always positive and proactive
I try to teach my daughter that problems are solutions to look for.
I also like this part:

Problems are there in LIFE as it is good it is bad. As there is success there is a failure and as there as Wining there is losing. So the best way out to see a problem in hand is to think that these are temporary and are not going to be there forever ...

Thanks for sharing @gungunkrishu
@tipu curate


thank you dear for appreciating my work and curation. Cheers
