Goals - Do You Set Goals - All About GOALS & Achieving THEM...


Hey Guys;

We all have some sorts of GOALS in LIFE. A goal could be BIG or SMALL but what is more important is to have GOALS set for yourself if you really want to achieve them.


I'm not going to talk any book language but rather will share my experience as to why setting GOALS is very important.

I always wanted to have my own house/flat in a good/decent apartment/complex. And today I own two flats in the same complex. In one I stay and the other generates rental income for me.

Why I'm telling all this?

This is setting the base of our post that how important it is to have GOALS. So in our example, I had basically two GOALS or you could say the desire to achieve something in LIFE

  1. Goal No. 1; have my own flat
  2. Goal No. 2; Asset that generates a rental income

Define You GOALS Clearly::

Define or write down on a piece of paper that what is it that you really want to achieve. If you are working and then think about what is your dream job look like and how much you would wont to earn from it. Is it 100K USD per year or more. Whatever the figure or Job you are looking for just define it clearly in your mind is the first step towards achieving your goals.

I strongly believe that::

Defining Goals is like 50% of the GOAL achieved in itself...

Work towards Your Goals::

Once you have defined your goals. What are you doing so as to achieve them? Is the next question. Nothing comes for free for sure. A person needs to work and work really hard to get what they are looking out for. Assuming you plan to earn 100K USD per annum & at the current scenario you are at 50% of it. What extra efforts are you putting in to get to that remaining 50%?


Some examples could be that you are enhancing your skill sets, looking out for a job change that could move closer to your desired income, and so forth. The jest is that work it out for yourself and no one is going to help you out. Once a person knows this and realizes it much early then it means he or she is on the right track to achieving what they are looking for.

Measure Your Goals

Measuring goals is like; How far have you reached with respect to your goals? Think of it like - are all efforts that you are putting in working for you or not? At times we realize that we are not moving in the right direction or things are not working as we wanted.

Measure Goals = What's Working - What's Not Working

Once you realize this that things are not working as expected then it's the time to rethink & make changes to your PLAN. There is no harm in making changes and think changes are for good.

Set Time Frames

We cannot go on forever with GOALS in just our minds. Just think of it once that how our life would have been that we just had GOALS circling around us and we are not getting what we dreamt of.

Therefore it's imperative that we get timelines to our GOALS/Desires. It could be that achieving our goals got delayed but then it's FINE. But what really matters is that you do a quick check on the timelines of your GOALS; adjust them accordingly and ensure that you are doing everything that is required to achieve in the stipulated time frame.

Goals With TimeLine = GOALS Achieved...

What really happens with setting times lines for GOALS is that you achieve them otherwise it's gonna be like an endless loop..you keep setting GOALS & they just remain GOALS; which is of no USE.

#goals #goalsinlife #motivation

Would love to hear about your thoughts on GOALS...

Stay Happy & Motivated...

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Best Regards


PS::- All images, artwork, graphics, videos, and other stuff are my original work. And is created using the license version of Pro Canva


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