The Disadvantages of Tea - Side effects of Drinking too much Tea


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Hy Guys;

Tea is something that we would normally like to have all the time. Feeling tired or having snacks tea is served along with it. But do we realize that Tea has got many disadvantages and there are many side effects of drinking tea as well?

Copy of Tea Disadvantages.png

There are many people here in my country that cannot live without Tea. Tea is like water to them and they need just a small reason to have a cup of tea. It's not that I do not have Tea but the fact is that I've limited tea consumption to a great extent.


We get a variety of tea here some of the popular varieties are green, black, oolong, and many more others that are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.

What makes the tea dangerous or bad for our health is when we have it with boiled milk and refined sugar. That basically makes the Tea very acidic and causes many health-related issues or problems.


Here is a quick list of the Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Tea::-

  • Causes Nervousness & Restlessness
  • Caffeine Dependency
  • Reduced Iron absorption
  • Increases anxiety & stress levels
  • Weakens Bones
  • Poor Sleep And there is too Much to Add.

The best thing would be to try avoiding as much tea as possible. And if it's not possible to avoid Tea at all then try having tea in moderation and slowly and gradually move to have Herbal Tea and other alternatives.

Check the Video out to know about the disadvantages of drinking tea. As it is rightly said that excess of anything is harmful; hence it becomes imperative that we intake things in moderation.

Explore the Video to know about the::

The Disadvantages of Tea - Side effects of drinking too much tea

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