🎶🎻 Meditación de Massenet / 🎶🎻 Meditation by Massenet


Hola querida amigos y lectores de Hive, espero que cómo siempre, estén todos muy bien,

Siguiendo con la idea que llevo durante varias publicaciones que ya muchos de ustedes deben saber, el día de hoy le toca a un compositor francés y un fragmento de una ópera bellísima, llamada "Thays"

Así que, empezando con lo esencial, hablaremos del compositor Jules Massenet

Este compositor hizo vida desde 1842 y 1912, época de alto crecimiento europea en la cual Francia no sería una excepción, viéndose reflejada en músicos compositores como el mismo Jules

Cuando hablamos de este compositor es necesario hablar de sus grandes óperas, que si bien muchas no fueron exitosas en su momentos, todas han tenido gran importancia en general, sobretodo por los detalles nuevos que esté iba a dejar para la música.

Además de esto, creo que es algo sumamente normal pensar en la música francesa académica y tener en mente coloridos timbricos de Debussy , tener esa oscuridad sonora de Fauré , etc, pero es en Massenet donde va a nacer todo esto, de una manera mucho más sutil y menos notoria.

Sabiendo este detalle, la pieza que escucharemos hoy es de las famosas, a raíz de su ópera "Thais" que sinceramente es un poco engorrosa de explicar, así que les explicaré exactamente el fragmento que escucharemos.

Para entender un poco esta parte de la opera resumiré que la opera trata de una monja, quien está tentada a pecar carnalmente y que por medio de un sueño, Athanael decide ir a salvarla de la muerte.

Todo esto se vuelve un caos, con drama operistico muy usado en los libretos, hasta un punto de la opera donde de repente suena esta calmada y sutil melodia, que por su nombre trata de la misma meditación de Thais, ese momento donde ella piensa en la paz que tiene y que obtendrá, además de todo lo que ella conlleva.

Dicho esto, mientras escuchamos la pieza notaremos esa calma muy pero muy notoria en el principio de la misma armonía, que le irá dando espacio a la melodia del violin que en el formato original es un solo para el violin concertino.

Así que el concertino, en ese fragmento, va a ser la representación de todos los pensamientos y sentimientos de Thais, con una fluidez armónica que será ayudada por el arpa.

Así que acá debajo les dejaré un poco de la obra:

Cómo es costumbre, les reitero el agradecimiento por el escucha, la lectura y el apoyo a conmigo antes de despedirme. Es un privilegio tenerlos presente en cada post, ¡abrazos!

PD: Discúlpenme el colapso en el minuto 2 donde pensé que no iba con la pista y me quedé jajajaja no todo es perfecto en esta vida😂

Hello dear friends and readers of Hive, I hope that as always, everyone is very well,

Continuing with the idea that I carry during several publications that many of you should already know, today it is the turn of a French composer and a fragment of a beautiful opera, called "Thays"

So, starting with the essentials, we will talk about the composer Jules Massenet

This composer lived from 1842 to 1912, a time of high European growth in which France would not be an exception, being reflected in composer musicians like himself Jules

When we talk about this composer, it is necessary to talk about his great operas, which although many were not successful at the time, all have had great importance in general, especially for the new details that he was going to leave for music.

In addition to this, I think it is extremely normal to think of academic French music and to have in mind colorful timbre of Debussy, to have that sonic darkness of Fauré, etc., but it is in Massenet where all this will be born, in a much more subtle and less conspicuous way.

Knowing this detail, the piece that we will listen to today is one of the famous ones, as a result of his opera "Thais" which, frankly, is a bit cumbersome to explain, so I will explain exactly the fragment that we will listen to.

To understand this part of the opera a little, I will summarize that the opera is about a nun, who is tempted to sin carnally and that through a dream Athanael decides to go save her from death.

All this becomes chaos, with operatic drama widely used in the librettos, up to a point in the opera where suddenly this calm and subtle melody sounds, which by its name is about the same meditation of Thais, that moment where she thinks about the peace that she has and that she will get, in addition to all that she entails.

That said, while we listen to the piece we will notice that very, very noticeable calm in the beginning of the same harmony, which will give space to the violin melody that in the original format is a solo for the concertino violin.

So the concertmaster, in that fragment, is going to be the representation of all the thoughts and feelings of Thais, with a harmonic fluidity that will be helped by the harp.

So here below I will leave you a little of the work:

As usual, I reiterate my thanks for listening, reading and supporting me before saying goodbye. It is a privilege to have you present in each post, hugs!

PS: Excuse me for the collapse in minute 2 where I thought I was not going with the track and I was hahahaha not everything is perfect in this life😂


Opera is a very good theatrical artistic genre for those who love, and consists of a staged drama accompanied by music, that is, its composition is dramatic and is combined with instrumental music and singing, with or without spoken dialogue.

I don't particularly like that style of music, but opera is really the perfect match between music and theater.


If so, it is truly a very curious style of listening, for all that it means. Hugs!! Thanks for the support and comment!


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