Types Of Life Partners To Avoid


Being a teenager you might have wondered what kind of partner you will marry and how will it change your lifestyle. A right partner is can make your life feel like heaven and a wrong one can make it Hell.Even someone who starts out as the nearly ideal partner will alter, to be honest. Even the best relationships have a way of messing with time, life struggles and circumstances.

In order to lead a life in the right direction, a life partner is a need for life. It's up to the person who can pick the right one for him or her. Having a trustworthy life partner helps to keep life stable, but living life without rules is not a good idea.

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From the beginning, this one is difficult to select because these people are very good at mind games. In this group, you will find narcissists and all kinds of psychological abusers. They're going to adore you, then get tired of you, mess with you psychologically, discard you, come back to you, then vanish on you, in an endless game of cat and mouse that's going to spin your head more than it's going to traumatise you. Only beware.

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We all have a natural propensity to shy away from the hard stuff, so there is some usual avoidance. However, pathological avoidance is a maladaptive method of coping in which the anxiety of the individual causes them to avoid thinking about, experiencing or doing things. The problem is, not only is it life restricting, it can make anxiety worse because issues begin to appear larger, not smaller. Such people deserve empathy, and if they are ready to work on it, it need not be a relationship deal-breaker.


People who can't hit their rage turn, in other words. No one should ever sign up for a relationship without seeing how anger is handled by their partner, and you won't be sure even then. Complete noise rage will take years to surface. We are all grumpy, frustrated, angry, frustrated: those feelings are valid, but we need to be able to handle them. A lack of emotional control is frightening and can be harmful (which can spill into a lack of physical control).

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A partner who has interests and friends of her own is safe. But when you are excluded by their need for independence, you need to read the room. They will love (or say they do) you, but if they don't need you emotionally, not even a little bit, then in the relationship, you will ultimately feel unnecessary, even unloved. This is what you want?


They also came from a culture where the rule was negativity, which is understandable. Living with it is also very hard. If you spot these signs, check and talk with your partner early on. Negativity, which can be turned around, is a habit.

If your partner don't have trust on you or always telling false statements to you or either he is not giving time and thinking of ways to manipulate you this is common nowadays and due to which the divorce rate have over-spiked.


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Sadly, the history of some people, past trauma and/or ingrained traits, makes it very difficult to love someone. Since we all like to believe that someone is worthy of love, we still try. It's your job to judge and ask yourself if a person is good for me, they are getting pulled in opposite direction. Mostly, the best decision, though heartbreaking and can have an huge impact, is to move away.

A person should be aware of these 7 things and identify their partner accordingly in order to have a better married life. For instance looks are not the one which always matter while choosing a partner but their thoughts toward you does.

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