Mother Ape And Child (Ink Drawing)


Hello Hivians. I hope you're all been doing great.
To begin my day, I made this drawing of a young ape holding on to it's mother's hand. The young ones of ape live a life similar to that the human young ones and are dependent on their parents for a few years before they can live on their own. I made this drawing also to practice how to study and pay attention to details in apes.

I used a black ball point pen and pelican paper for this drawing.
Here are the steps involved;

First, I drew the outline of the young ape holding it's mother added all the facial features and pattern of fur flow. I also added some details to their face in this stage.
Next, I shaded all the dark parts of the young ape's face as well as hands and added some details of fur to it's face.
To complete the drawing, I added some details to the mother's face and hands until I got a satisfactory result.
Thank you for reading and checking out my drawing. Stay Safe and enjoy the rest of your day.
