My first shot at #treetuesday - my happiness street


Ok, this is not a very typical street for Australia, we tend to have a lot more native trees which a lot dry, much less lush and do not arch over the street like these do. That in part is what makes this street so special to me. The reason that these trees are here is these are the streets that lead down to a cafe set right down by the river and it is this unusual volume of water that allow these trees to thrive.


Ok back to why I love these trees and this street. As a small child, we used to visit this park every weekend, and when you entered this street you knew you were getting closer. It felt like you were entering a different world, the sunlight was cut off and the temperature started to drop, dappled bits of light come filtering through casting shadows on the ground.

You knew adventures was just around the corner, feeding ducks by the river, swings to played on and slides to go down (and sometimes up when no one is watching). These trees are adventures, these trees mean scones, these trees mean family :)
