The Powerful Word "Love"


Hey lovelies
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese
Welcome to my blog


We would be talking about love and how to define it. Love has so many meanings but we can't really define what it means. We all know love is the most powerful feeling a human being can experience and we there are various types of love. There is love for family, love for friends, love of God, marital love, love for material things etc. Love has its different expressions.

The kind of love a person will have for a mother is quite different from the one you have for your husband or wife. Quite a number of people abuse the word LOVE by saying it when they don't mean it while some don't even know what it means. It is very important to learn the true meaning if words before using them. The mere fact that you enjoy doing something does not mean you love that thing. Or the fact that you are attracted to a persons as a result of their physical appearance does not mean you are in love. It could better to just say you admire him or her rather than using the powerful word LOVE.

On the other hand, some people only lust after each other and take it to be love, but as soon as they have sexual relations with each other, they realize it's all sexual erotic feelings they have for each other when they start drifting apart due to lack of mutual understanding and connection. Words are very powerful tools not only for communicating with others but with yourself. The word we use creates awareness and eventually become real.

Love can only begin between partners if their interest is built on the principles of trust, honesty, truth and respect. If the two partners have these principles in place then it gives room for love to start growing. Trust me, It is very easy to fall in love but staying in love is quite difficult. It may be that you are not meant for each other when you find yourself in such position. Before you can genuinely love someone you have to start by loving yourself and appreciating who you are. Without that it would be hard loving someone because you can't appreciate someone when you have low self-esteem. Loving someone would be easy when you are in love with yourself.

Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕


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