Some Aberration In Claiming My Chest X-ray Results Today


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My parents today headed-off very early to claim my chest x-ray results to the lab center because my mother as always just wants to be early on everything. Well they are already on the hi-way when the lab center had texted me to tell me that the assigned doctor to read my chest X-ray results had been on some emergency case or situation and that he haven't been able to read my X-ray results yet.

I immediately had forwarded the message to my mother which are already in the hi-way not far from our house. But I had called her anyway just to make sure and even though the cellular phone signal here in hour house is weak I was able to stop them on their tracks and abort the attempt otherwise they will just go there in vain for that matter.

So now we can just wait until there is a result already because the text message told me that if the X-ray result is ready to be picked-up they will notify me.

It is still ok though because I just needed it before the 22nd of this month and there is enough time for the doctor to read my chest X-ray results which I hope that there will be positive readings regarding my lungs because of my Tuberculosis drug therapy for about two months already.

I had also made it a point at my dialysis session to pull most of my lung fluids out so that it will show in my X-ray that I do not have that particular problem anymore I hope because my Pulmonary doctor is pointing that impression in my previous chest X-ray which lead him to believe that I do have a Tuberculosis for that matter.

Maybe tomorrow at the very least or the day after my chest X-ray can be claimed already and I wanted to see for myself what the result is and praying that it will show some good signs even though there are ugly things in it like the fact that my neck part of my backbone is so crooked not to mention the lower back which gave me an s-shaped backbone which si why it is painful to be be in an upright position for a long time.

I still have a crazy hope that it will be put in a straight position again which will really cost me a ridiculous amount of money, guts, an bravery test to pull it out.

My other health plans are also crazy because they are so full of risk if not impossible to do or make to happen but for me I am risking it all even my life because the risks are all worth it and if they come into reality it will be like being born again.

I still wanted to achieve the near impossible and I am willing to expend all if I would get the opportunity and chance of a lifetime, cryptos will be in the most part the crucial factor for it but the time factor really makes it more difficult so I am letting God to bless my plans and my friends to continue to pray for me and encourage me because all odds are against me as I have to fight in many fronts in my battle that had been going on for most of my stay here on the face of the earth. God bless you all.


Hi buddy, greetings from Venezuela.
God bless you and your family.


God bless you and your family too :D


I'm praying for the best for you.
