I've Done Eating My Meal For This Day Until Tomorrow Again



I had eaten my breakfast, lunch, and dinner in one go and I tried as much as I can. It just consisted of some rice, fried fatty pork pieces and a small fish cooked in vinegar with mild chili pepper to give my meal some spicy character and some fermented rice and fish which sometimes I am craving for to eat and helps me to get some appetite with my current meal.

I am only the one fond in having the fermented rice and fish, my siblings doesn't like it because of the sour taste and they are just repelled by the odor which is not really that bad. So it was just me and my parents that eats it in my family and some of my relatives for that matter too.

I started eating the fermented rice and fish way back when one day when we were just kids my mother cooked this unusual side-dish that smells rather a bit repulsive plus its nature, like a porridge.

Then I tried tasting it but since my taste buds are new to it I did get the liking for it. Then my mother had cooked it again and I saw her eating it, I tried again for the second and third time and from then on I had built the acquired taste for it. After that you get the craving for it searching for that yummy sour taste again and again.

Anyway I think I will not get the urge to eat even after my dialysis because of my relatively heavy meal. I might just eat some apple when we get home from my dialysis center because while hooked-up I am eating hard candies just to prevent my blood sugar from going down.

I do not want to eat while hooked-up at my dialysis anymore because of the crashing blood pressure that it causes me. Now I am not experiencing that pain in my neck and that lightheadedness feeling that is associated with crashed or very low blood pressure while on dialysis just because I changed the way I eat as i no longer eat now because of that reason.

It is unfortunate that only at dialysis I can experience in enjoying my meal unlike after or before my treatment session. I just have to stop eating as a compromise because I do not want my treatment session to be terminated before the scheduled time.

But at least I am more confident that I will not experience discomfort and misery while hooked-up anymore simply because I changed something that improved my experience during my treatment. Nobody had taught me about it unfortunately and I just discovered it for myself which now I am applying to make me get the best treatment possible every session that I am having thanks be to God.
