[ESP-ENG] Anime Blogging Challenge Day 3//Mi Protagonista de Anime Favorito//My Favorite Anime Protagonist By@cochanet



Hola a todos los miembros de esta comunidad👋🏼 aquí estoy de nuevo con la iniciativa creada por @kuronokenshi, donde esta vez le contaré sobre mi protagonista de anime favorito, para dar continuidad al tercer día del Anime Blogging Challenge , si deseas unirte solo dale clip a este enlace, te invito a que participes

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Hello to all the members of this community👋🏼 here I am again with the initiative created by @kuronokenshi, where this time I will tell you about my favorite anime protagonist, to continue the third day of the Anime Blogging Challenge, if you want to join just give it clip to this link, I invite you to participe

Candy Candy//Dulce Dulce

Sin pensarlo dos veces, esta protagonista marco tantos momentos en mi vida, que aunque pasaron los años, la recuerdo como si la estuviese viendo aún, significo tanto para mi, que si dicen algo en contra de ella, la defiendo de quien sea. ¡Y sabes por qué?, porque Candy siendo aún muy pequeña fue abandonada a las afuera de un hogar de niños huérfanos, y en el pasó los primeros años de su vida, y siempre irradiaba en ella un carisma que la representaba, su alegría de vivir, su entusiasmo, fueron muy propio de ella.

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Without thinking twice, this protagonist marked so many moments in my life, that although the years passed, I remember her as if I was still seeing her, she means so much to me, that if they say something against her, I defend her from whoever it is. And do you know why?, Because Candy, being still very small, was abandoned outside a home for orphaned children, and in it she spent the first years of her life, and she always radiated in her a charisma that represented her, her joy of living, her enthusiasm, they were very her own.

Le daba mucha importancia al valor de la amistad, a tal grado de pasar por encima de sus propios sentimientos, para ella lo importante era la felicidad de sus amigos, siempre estaba dispuesta a dar su mano y hacer cualquier cosa para que la alcanzaran.

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She gave great importance to the value of friendship, to such a degree that she went above her own feelings, for her the important thing was the happiness of her friends, she was always willing to give her hand and do anything to make them reach her.

Era una chica de gran fortaleza, era raro verla llorar delante de las personas, prefería retirarse para hacerlo a solas. Y siempre volvía con su gran sonrisa, a pesar de todos los problemas que enfrentó, nunca perdió su magia, algo que la hizo ganar más de un enamorado, no quiere decir esto que ella le hizo caso a todos, porque en su vida solo hubieron dos amores, Anthony y Terry, el primero muere tras una caída de su caballo y segundo termina casándose con otra mujer por lastima, ya que la chica pierde la pierna después de ser salvado por ella.

She was a girl of great strength, it was rare to see her cry in front of people, she preferred to withdraw to do it alone. And she always came back with her big smile, despite all the problems she faced, she never lost her magic, something that made her win more than one lover, does not mean that she paid attention to everyone ,
because in his life there were only two loves, Anthony and Terry, the first dies after a fall from his horse and the second ends up marrying another woman out of pity, since the girl loses her leg after being saved by her.

Por su misma vocación de ayudar a otros, termina estudiando enfermería, por todas estas razones, Candy es y será mi protagonista de anime favorito. Espero mi post haya sido de su agrado y contar con su apoyo, hasta la próxima pregunta. Bendiciones.

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Due to her vocation to help others, she ends up studying nursing, for all these reasons, Candy is and will be my favorite anime protagonist. I hope my post has been to her liking and have her support, until the next question. Blessings.

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