Selenia sky : The famed dragon from Draykh- Nahka


The selenia sky is well known in splinterlands for her pure blood, she can summon any kind of dragon and also she has won more battle than she ever lost, she is well respected and all flying or non flying dragons succumb to her command.. i was opportuned to explore with her as i got a dragon quest today!

  • EDITION: Alpha/Beta
  • RARITY: Legendary
  • ELEMENT: Dragon

Selenia sky was bestowed with one more gift apart from her ability to summon dragons:

image.png - All friendly ranged attack monsters have +1 ranged attack.

I was happy when i got dragon quest as my selenia never dissapoint,i would love to give a brief description of one of the battles i fought ..


The rules of the battle stated:

  • Broken arrows: Ranged attack monsters may not be used in battles.
  • Fog of war: Monsters lose the sneak and snipe abilities.


battle link

I made use of

  • Lord Arianthus : He is a good front man with his thorn, shield and reflect abilities..

  • Manticore: The reach ability makes it worthy of the second position.

  • Fiendish harpy: This card was used due to its opportunity ability cos of the fog of war rules..

  • Gold dragon: The unstoppable dragon with its blast ability.

  • Angel of Light: She serves as a heal tank for the monsters.

  • Defender of Truth: Addition of two more armor to all monsters which protect them* ..


I won the match quite easily due to my formidable set up. The dragons never lose and can be very violent in battles!

gif sp.gif


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All pictures are gotten from splinterlands lore and gif credit goes to splinterlands.

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