Beautiful Creeper/Hermosa Enredadera

Beautiful vine with pink flowers that give that special touch of beauty, love and subtlety to our nature and we human beings who connect and love these landscapes of our nature, flowers fill us with life, joy, enthusiasm, love, goodness and health. What more can we ask for, just to thank the source of light and love that created this wonder that is Mother Earth with her beautiful nature.

Bella enredadera con flores de color rosada que le dan ese toque especial de belleza, amor y sutileza a nuestra naturaleza y nosotros los seres humanos que nos conectamos y que amamos estos paisajes de nuestra naturaleza, las flores nos llenan de vida, alegría, entusiasmo, amor, bondad y salud. Qué más podemos pedir, solo agradecer a la fuente de luz y amor que creo esta maravilla que es la Madre Tierra con su hermosa naturaleza.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/996

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/462

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/610

Thanks for reading my post.

Camera: BLU G6
Location: Venezuela
by: @benavides54
