The Student Creativity Program Promotes a Holistic for Activists |


The Student Activity Program (PKM) Center Malikussaleh University conducted a socialization of the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) 2020. The program supports the development of student soft skills in implementing the Merdeka Belajar: Merdeka Campus policy.

Head of PKM Unimal Center, Dr. M Sayuti said that student activists were very enthusiastic about participating in PHP2D activities. This indication can be seen from the number of participants of the socialization that took place online, recently. The number of participants is almost one hundred people from various student organizations (Ormawa) in the Malikussaleh University.

The Vice Rector III for Student Affairs, Dr. Baidhawi, said that PHP2D is a community development and empowerment activity carried out by students through Student Activity Units (UKM) and or Student Executive Institutions. This PHP2D student is expected to be able to foster a sense of care and contribute to the community in the village so that an active, independent, entrepreneurial, and prosperous fostered village is built.

On the other hand, Baidhawi added, villagers were expected to be able to find and develop existing potentials to be turned into real activities.

"Or it can develop activities that have been initiated by the community to become more developed and useful so that they can realize national resilience," said Baidhawi in his speech.

In connection with that, the Chancellor of Unimal, Dr. Herman Fithra appealed to students, especially campus activists, to take the opportunity to plunge into developing villages, especially villages in the Unimal Campus circle, through the Holistic Program for Village Development and Empowerment (PHP2D).

"Students are the outputs of the national education system which will become the nation's mobilizers in the future. One indicator of the progress of a nation can be measured by the quality of its current students, "said the Chancellor of Unimal.

Plus Herman, qualified students have multiple intelligences, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social intelligences. Therefore, the learning process of higher education must be able to develop soft skills and hard skills of students and be able to generate, grow, and develop various dimensions of intelligence.

"Soft skills of students can be developed through various programs, one of which is through coaching and community empowerment," said Herman.

The PHP2D 2020 webinar forum presented the main speaker Dr. Mariyudi who delivered the material on "Tips to Penetrate the Holistic Program for Village Development and Empowerment (PHP2D)" by focusing on the systematic proposal according to the guidebook provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The material was delivered by the lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Business in a relaxed but interesting manner so as to be able to hypnotize participants until the end of the discussion session.

According to M Sayuti, the proposer of PHP2D is a group of active undergraduate students in various disciplines who are members of student organizations, Student Activity Units (UKM) and Student Executive Institutions and approved by university leaders.

"The proposal which is considered feasible and passed the national level selection will receive funding from the Ministry of up to Rp40 million, so this program is very competitive and prestigious," Sayuti said.

The Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, the Directorate General of Higher Education offers a 2020 Holistic Program for Village Development and Empowerment (PHP2D) to various forms of student organizations both the Student Organizations Association (IOMS), Student Activity Unit (UKM). The Holistic Program for Village Development and Empowerment to develop student soft skills and implement the Merdeka Belajar policy: Merdeka Campus by fostering students' sense of care to contribute to the village community.[]

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PKM Center Sosialisasikan Program Holistik Bagi Aktivis Mahasiswa

Program Kegiatan Mahasiswa (PKM) Center Universiitas Malikussaleh melakukan sosialisasi Program Holistik Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Desa (PHP2D) 2020. Program tersebut mendukung pengembangan soft skills mahasiswa dalam menerapkan kebijakan Merdeka Belajar: Kampus Merdeka.

Ketua PKM Center Unimal, Dr M Sayuti mengatakan aktivis mahasiswa sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan PHP2D. Indikasi itu terlihat dari banyaknya peserta sosialisasi yang berlangsung secara online, baru-baru ini. Jumlah peserta hampir mencapai seratus orang dari berbagai organisasi kemahasiswaan (Ormawa) di lingkungan Universitas Malikussaleh.

Pembantu Rektor III Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Dr Baidhawi, mengatakan PHP2D merupapan kegiatan pembinaan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa melalui Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) dan atau Lembaga Eksekutif Mahasiswa. Mahasiswa pelaksana PHP2D ini diharapkan mampu menumbuhkan rasa peduli dan berkontribusi kepada masyarakat di desa agar terbangun desa binaan yang aktif, mandiri, berwirausaha, dan sejahtera.

Di sisi lain, tambah Baidhawi, masyarakat desa diharapkan mampu menemukan dan mengembangkan potensi yang sudah ada untuk diwujudkan menjadi kegiatan nyata.

“Atau bisa mengembangkan kegiatan yang telah dirintis masyarakat menjadi lebih berkembang dan bermanfaat sehingga dapat mewujudkan ketahanan nasional,” papar Baidhawi dalam sambutannya.

Sehubungan dengan itu, Rektor Unimal, Dr Herman Fithra mengimbau mahasiswa khususnya para aktivis kampus dapat mengambil kesempatan untuk terjun membangun desa, khususnya desa di lingkaran Kampus Unimal, melalui Program Holistik Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan Desa (PHP2D).

“Mahasiswa merupakan luaran dari sistem pendidikan nasional yang akan menjadi penggerak bangsa di masa depan. Salah satu indikator kemajuan suatu bangsa dapat diukur dari kualitas mahasiswanya saat ini,” kata Rektor Unimal.

Ditambah Herman, mahasiswa yang berkualitas memiliki multi kecerdasan, kecerdasan intelektual, emosional, spiritual, dan sosial. Oleh karena itu, proses pembelajaran perguruan tinggi harus mampu mengembangkan soft skills dan hard skills mahasiswa serta mampu membangkitkan, menumbuhkan, dan mengembangkan berbagai dimensi kecerdasan tersebut.

“Soft skills mahasiswa dapat dikembangkan melalui berbagai program, salah satunya melalui pembinaan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat,” tandas Herman.

Forum webinar PHP2D 2020 tersebut menghadirkan pemateri utama Dr Mariyudi yang menyampaikan materi tentang “Kiat Menembus Program Holistik Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan Desa (PHP2D)” dengan menitikberatkan pada sistematika proposal sesuai buku panduan yang disediakan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Materi dibawakan dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis itu secara santai tetapi menarik sehingga mampu menghipnotis peserta sampai berakhirnya sesi diskusi.

Menurut M Sayuti, pengusul PHP2D adalah kelompok mahasiswa aktif program sarjana berbagai disiplin ilmu yang tergabung di dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan, Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) maupun Lembaga Eksekutif Mahasiswa dan disetujui oleh pimpinan perguruan tinggi.

“Proposal yang dianggap layak dan lulus seleksi tingkat nasional ini akan mendapat pendanaan dari Kementerian mencapai Rp40 juta, sehingga program ini sangat kompetitif dan bergengsi,” tandas Sayuti.

Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiwaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi menawarkan Program Holistik Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Desa (PHP2D) 2020 kepada berbagai bentuk organisasi mahasiswa baik Ikatan Organisasi Mahasiswa Sejenis (IOMS), Unit Kegiatan Mahasiawa (UKM).

Program Holistik Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Desa untuk mengembangkan soft skills mahasiswa dan menerapkan kebijakan Merdeka Belajar: Kampus Merdeka dengan menumbuhkan rasa peduli mahasiswa untuk berkontribusi dalam masyarakat desa. []
