[ESP-ING] Un Increible Dia De Playa Con Mi Familia // An Incredible Day At The Beach With My Family



Hola amigos de hive espero se encuentren increible.
El dia de hoy quiero contarles sobre el fantastico fin de semana que tuve hace 3 dias, quiero contarles como la pase, las cosas que hice con mi familia y las cosas que vi.

Hello friends of hive I hope you are feeling amazing.
Today I want to tell you about the fantastic weekend I had 3 days ago, I want to tell you how I spent it, the things I did with my family and the things I saw.

Bueno todo esto comenso el viernes por la mañana que a mi papá se le ocurrio en ir a la playa al dia siguiente, asi que se lo comento a mi mamá y a ella le encanto la idea asi que al dia siguiente fuimos a la playa.

Well all this started on Friday morning when my dad thought of going to the beach the next day, so he told my mom about it and she loved the idea so the next day we went to the beach.

El sabado por la mañana exactamente a las 6 am entramos en el carro y salimos de la casa rumbo a la playa.

Saturday morning at exactly 6 am we got in the car and left the house for the beach.

Camino a la playa mi hermana y yo nos tomamos varias fotos y escuchamos musica todo el camino.

On the way to the beach my sister and I took several pictures and listened to music all the way.


Como aproximadamente a las 9 am llegamos a la playa y bajamos toda la comida y las cosas que llevavamos nos acomodamos y empecemos a disfrutar de la playa.

At about 9 am we arrived at the beach and brought down all the food and stuff we had brought with us, settled in and started to enjoy the beach.

Estuvimos como 30 minutos sentados en la arena y comiendo doritos panquecas y todo lo demas que llevamos,luego nos pusimos el protector solar y entramos en el agua.

We spent about 30 minutes sitting on the sand and eating doritos, pancakes and everything else we brought, then we put on our sunscreen and went into the water.


Luego de estar en el agua por un buen rato quisimos caminar por la orilla para conocer un poco mas de la playa.

After being in the water for a while we wanted to walk along the shore to see a little more of the beach.

Caminamos durante un buen rato y encontramos muchas cosas increibles, primero encontramos un pequeño rio de agua dulce con pequeños peces.

We walked for quite a while and found many incredible things, first we found a small fresh water river with small fish.

Y en el borde del pequeño rio encontramos un troco y mi papá empezo a balancearse sobre el tronco.

And at the edge of the small river we found a log and my dad began to swing on the log.



Despues de encontrar el pequeño rio seguimos caminado por otro rato y encontramos un gran barco oxidado.

After finding the small river we continued walking for another while and found a large rusty boat.

Mis padres y mi hermana no llegaron muy cerca del barco pues ya estaban un poco cansados de tanto caminar y regresaron a donde estabamos sentados cuando llegamos, pero yo si me acerque un poco mas al barco y pude tomar algunas fotos.

My parents and my sister didn't get very close to the boat because they were a little tired from all the walking and went back to where we were sitting when we arrived, but I did get a little closer to the boat and was able to take some pictures.

Y tambien habia otro barco un poco mas lejos pero no llegue hasta haya porque me devolvi a donde estaban mis padres y mi hermana.

And there was also another boat a little further away but I didn't get there because I went back to where my parents and sister were.


Bueno despues de tomar las fotos fui a donde estaban mis padres y tardamos un poco en llegar a donde estabamos en un principio.

Well after taking the pictures I went to where my parents were and it took us a while to get to where we were at first.

Pero bueno cuando llegamos teniamos un poco de hambre asi que empesamos a comer los panes y las panquecas que habiamos llevado.

But when we arrived we were a little hungry so we started eating the breads and pancakes we had brought with us.


Bueno ya despues de descansar la comida y disfrutar un poco mas en el agua nos secamos recogimos todo y nos regresamos a la casa.

After resting the food and enjoying a little more time in the water, we dried off, picked up everything and went back to the house.

Bueno en conclucion la pase increible con mi familia en la playa comiendo, disfrutando las olas y escuchando musica.

Well in conclusion I had an incredible time with my family on the beach eating, enjoying the waves and listening to music.

En conclucion disfrute muchisimo.

In conclusion I had a great time.


Bueno amigos de hive hasta aqui mi post del dia de hoy espero y les haya encantado tanto como a mi nos vemos en un proximo post adios.

Well friends of hive so far my post today I hope you loved it as much as I did, see you in a future post bye.

Gracias por Leerme!!

Thanks for reading me!!
