[ENG-ESP] ¿Frases de Autor? Mi experiencia /¿Phrases and reflections? My experience

Authored by @Aleh

Jean-Paul Sartre



Hola, estoy de vuelta, con mas frases de mis escritores favoritos, veo a muchos con un autor especial, pero todos lo son.

Hoy, es el turno de Jean-Paul Sartre. Filósofo, escritor, novelista, dramaturgo, biógrafo, político y crítico francés. Su filosofía era la libertad y tenía un gran corazón y le gustaba vivir con esa responsabilidad de sus sentimientos.

Sartre, fue criado por su madre y abuelos maternos. Su abuelo Charles schweitzer, que le enseño matemáticas y la filosofía literaria, ya sus 20 años estaba envuelto. Estudió en París, " Ecole normale superieure " donde se graduó de filosofía, obteniendo un doctorado en 1929, allí conoce a su alma gemela y filosofa Simone de beauvoir. Fue activista y se unió al ejército, en la segunda Guerra mundial, donde estuvo preso y escribió sus ideas en un diario.

Sus ideas lo hicieron famoso, y a pesar de eso, su vida era muy simple. Su existencialismo, fue su filosofía, escribió 3 libros que fueron su mayor contribución literaria "Los caminos de la libertad" ( la edad de la razón, el aplazamiento y la muerte del alma). Sartre muere a sus 74 años el 15 de abril de 1980 de un edema, fue enterrado y años después su amada, junto a él.

Dato curioso :

Ganó el premio nobel por su obra Les mots ( las palabras) y lo rechazo, envió una carta donde explicaba que no deseaba obtener ningún premio.


Hello, I'm back, with more quotes from my favourite writers, I see many with a special author, but they all are.

Today, it's the turn of Jean-Paul Sartre. French philosopher, writer, novelist, playwright, biographer, politician and critic. His philosophy was freedom and he had a big heart and liked to live with that responsibility for his feelings.

Sartre was raised by his mother and maternal grandparents. His grandfather Charles Schweitzer, who taught him mathematics and literary philosophy, was already involved in his 20s. He studied in Paris, "Ecole normale superieure" where he graduated in philosophy, obtaining a doctorate in 1929, where he met his soul mate and philosopher Simone de beauvoir. He was an activist and joined the army in the Second World War, where he was imprisoned and wrote his ideas in a diary.

His ideas made him famous, yet his life was very simple. His existentialism was his philosophy, he wrote 3 books which were his greatest literary contribution
" The ways of freedom " (the age of reason, the postponement and the death of the soul). Sartre died at the age of 74 on 15 April 1980 of an oedema, he was buried and years later his beloved was buried next to him.

Curious fact:

He won the Nobel Prize for his work " Les mots " (Words) and refused it, he sent a letter explaining that he did not want to win any prize.




" Lo importante no es lo que han hecho de nosotros, sino lo que hacemos con lo que han hecho de nosotros "




" The important thing is not what they have made of us, but what we do with what they have made of us."



Esta frase de Sartre, es tan profunda que quizás no habíamos pensado que quizás de esas experiencias, de esas heridas, debemos de vivir con el yo de ahora. Jamás pensamos que eso somos y que debemos amar lo que nos hemos convertido con los años.

Realmente me apego a eso, a cada evolución de mi personalidad y pensamientos.

¿ Te conoces ahora más que antes ?

¿ Te amas con todas las heridas que has llevado ?


This phrase by Sartre is so profound that perhaps we had not thought that perhaps from these experiences, from these wounds, we should live with the me of now. We never think that this is who we are and that we must love what we have become over the years.

I am really attached to that, to every evolution of my personality and thoughts.

¿ Do you know yourself now more than before ?

¿ Do you love yourself with all the wounds you have carried ?



