[ESP-ENG] INICIATIVA: Mi Top 3 Artistas Favoritos. || INITIATIVE: My Top 3 Favorite Artists.

Authored by @Aglaide

Hello friends once again welcome to my blog!


Happy Tuesday to all my Hivers readers, today I want to talk to you about an initiative proposed by @mariangeltar that deals with my three favorite artists. I want to confess that I am a lover of romantic songs, which is why these 3 artists are very much my favorites for their beautiful songs. I hope you like it and I invite you to participate in this great initiative.

Feliz martes tengan todos mis Hivers lectores, hoy quiero hablarles acerca de una iniciativa propuesta por @mariangeltar que trata sobre mis tres artistas favoritas. Quiero confesarle que soy amante a las canciones romanticas por lo cual estos 3 artistas son oor mucho mis favoritos por sus hermosas canciones. Espero les guste y los invito a participar en esta gran iniciativa.

My Top 3 Favorite Artists. || Mi Top 3 Artistas Favoritos.



First of all we have one of the greatest in music as this man is, each of his songs are so famous that they broke all the schemes. In addition to singing, he plays all kinds of instruments that make him one of the most complete artists that exists today. The best thing about all this is that he is of Venezuelan nationality, which makes us feel very proud of him.

Primero que nada tenemos a uno de los mas grandes de la música como lo es este señor, cada una de sus canciones son tan famosas que rompieron todos los esquemas. Además de cantar toca todo tipo de instrumentos que lo hace ser para mi uno de los artistas mas completo que existe en la actualidad. Lo mejor de todo esto es que es de nacionalidad venezolano lo que nos hace sentir muy orgulloso de el.



Then we have this great singer from Argentina, also nationalized Venezuelan and Colombian. As his song says, his great fame has taken him to the top of heaven thanks to his numerous successes in music during his career. A great artist and a very good human being.

Luego tenemos a este gran cantante de argentina, nacionalizado tambien venezolano y colombiano. Como lo dice su canción, su gran fama lo a llevado a la cima del cielo gracias a sus numerosos exitos en la música durante su carrera. Un gran artista y muy buen ser humano.



Finally we have one of the best music composers such as Arjona, his many songs are very famous. He has that facility to compose songs about each of the daily life of the person that happens in the world. An excellent artist who will remain forever in the memory of generations and generations.

Por último tenemos a uno de los mejores compositores de música como lo es Arjona, sus numerosas canciones son muy famosas. Tiene esa facilidad de componer canciones sobre cada una de la vida cotidiana de las persona que pasa en el mundo. Un excelente artista que quedara por mucho en la memoria de generaciones y generaciones.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog and I hope you are encouraged to participate in this excellent initiative.

