Orange is the new black and his role in the Netflix panorama


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Netflix would be the superpower we all know today if it didn't have the intuition and foresight to bet on a product like Orange is the new Black to launch its platform.
Everything suggests that the answer is no.
If you propose yourself as a technological novelty and as a game changer in the world television landscape you need to make this vision shine through your products.
It was a genius to present to the world with a choral series starring only women, moreover, marginalized women and locked in a prison, winking at Oz for the setting, Breaking Bad for the characterization of the then main character and the LGBT world for the determination with which you bring the lesbian world and all its facets on the small screen.
Newer, more sparkling and different than that you die.
If to this we add that the series was the first one you remember to be renewed not for one season but for 4 seasons then the picture is complete.
Netflix was presenting itself to the world with a fresh and risky TV series in which it believed so much that it was renewed for 4 seasons.
Planning and overview that must have seemed a guarantee to the general public given the results that today are under everyone's eyes and see Netflix as the house that has obtained the highest number of Emmy Award nominations 2018, surpassing the unbeatable HBO.
The sixth season of Orange Is The New Black was much awaited after a fifth one lived between ups and downs and closed with a twist that had plunged all the inmates into uncertainty.
In the sixth season we explore the consequences of that conclusion articulating the entire season on different storylines that have the demerit of being too disconnected from each other.
On the one hand, there is a line of justice linked to the hunt for the guilty party or parties guilty of the revolt that took place in the fifth season.
On the other hand, that of the infighting among what should be the big puppets of the maximum security prison, chosen as a new environment in which to weave the plot.
The guards had a lot of space through the "fantainmate" that amused at the beginning and ended up stewing in the middle of the season.
A lot of space was given to Caputo, his feelings of guilt and his humanity and this was perhaps the best choice, although it lacked the flashes that made everything too flat and predictable.
In the midst of all this there was the usual tram of prisoners intent on laughing, joking, dreaming of freedom but also betraying, judging and choking each other.
Little to say about this season, which while maintaining the usual degree of pleasantness seemed to be really underwhelming.
Just take a random dialogue (apart from a dialogue between Caputo and Taystee and other sporadic cases) to realize the lack of brilliance of this season. Dialogues often from soap operas, very lazy actresses, apart from the usual excellent Uzo Aduba and a few other exceptions.
So there's a serious structural problem that makes Orange is The New Black a series with very little to say by now, with so many secondary characters that by now have exhausted their function and the primary ones that seem a bit tired like the always stubborn Red.
And here we come to the second congenital defect that grips the series since a few years, that is its phantom protagonist Piper.
Those who have in mind the much acclaimed first season will remember how the fortune of the series was linked to the characterization of Piper Chapman, a nice girl who plunged in prison for a minor offense started a transformation that by many was compared to the one from Walter White to Heisenberg in Breaking Bad.
Thematic comparison that could fit but with obvious differences in the quality and solidity of writing and acting.
Well today Piper is the shadow of that character as Orange Is The New Black has become a shadow of herself.
Piper wanders in the corridors of the prison as well as the spectators wander among the episodes to look for a trace of her passage and as well as the writers wander among their ideas in search of the right one that doesn't seem to have arrived yet.
Now that the season number 6 has arrived, there are many questions that the series leaves to the viewer who at this point will have to ask himself whether to continue to give credit to a discreet series with an illustrious past or leave the most famous prison of TV to go to one of the many most attractive beaches that today's television offers.
It is too late, before it is too late, before it is the viewers who become prisoners of the series.

Poco da dire su questa stagione, che pur mantenendo il solito grado di piacevolezza è sembrata essere davvero sottotono.
Basta prendere un dialogo a caso (a parte un dialogo tra Caputo e Taystee e altri sporadici casi) per rendersi conto della mancanza di brillantezza di questa stagione. Dialoghi spesso da soap opera, attrici molto svogliate, a parte la solita ottima Uzo Aduba e qualche altra eccezione.
C'è dunque un serio problema strutturale che fa di Orange is The New Black una serie con pochissimo da dire ormai, con tanti personaggi secondari che oramai hanno esaurito la loro funzione e quelli primari che sembrano stanchi un po come la sempre ostinata Red.
E qui veniamo al secondo difetto congenito che attanaglia la serie da qualche anno ovvero la sua fantomatica protagonista Piper.
Chi ha nella mente la tanto acclamata prima stagione ricorderà quanto la fortuna della serie fosse stata legata alla caratterizzazione del personaggio di Piper Chapman, graziosa ragazza per bene che piombata in prigione per un reato minore iniziò una trasformazione che da molti fu paragonata a quella da Walter White ad Heisenberg in Breaking Bad.
Paragone tematico che ci poteva stare ma con ovvie differenze dal punto di vista della qualità e solidità di scrittura e recitazione.
Ebbene oggi Piper è l'ombra di quel personaggio cosi come Orange Is The New Black è diventa ombra di se stessa.
Piper vaga nei corridoi del carcere cosi come gli spettatori vagano tra gli episodi per cercare una traccia del suo passaggio e cosi come gli sceneggiatori vagano tra le loro idee a caccia di quella giusta che non sembra però essere ancora arrivata.
Arrivati alla stagione numero 6 sono tanti gli interrogativi che la serie lascia allo spettatore che a questo punto dovrà chiedersi se continuare a dare credito ad una pur sempre discreta serie dal passato illustre o abbandonare il carcere più famoso della tv per recarsi in uno dei tanti lidi più attraenti che la televisione odierna offre.
A noi spettatori l'ardua sentenza, prima che sia troppo tardi, prima che siano gli spettatori a diventare prigionieri della serie.

Life isn't a train. It's a shit tornado full of gold..png
