Thoughts on a Christmas Past Spirit ... New perspectives for a better Future


I know ...

Another Christmas became a Spirit of Past ... like in the story of Charles Dickens ...

Some of you will have new plans in the next year, some will aspire to new achievements inside a Matrix where everything is just an illusion ... but that's fine ... #lego #art will remain a form of expression for every artist ...

This Christmas, i've thought that even my #starwars fellows, would suit very well to my Winterish background created for some of my photos ...


I guess these two characters, are representing very well the times we are passing through ... especially through their masks protocol ...

My fellow Storm Trooper and R2D2 were perfect for my winterish environment created ...

I think that even Teedo would suit very well to this spectrum that i've created through these simple natural pine cones and some simple Christmas decorations :)


Definitely, this year, like no others, so many from you, people, have got the chance to reflect about what's important inside your lives within this Matrix :) while you were spending lot of time with your Family ...

Therefore, as a wish for the next year, i guess a #photo like the one i've took here, would say the entire millions of words that someone would like to wish everyone for 2021!!!


There was no way to have futuristic celebration for Winter Holiday Season, without having my buddy Jedi Yoda with us, to wish some magic phrases filled with wisdom ...


May the Force be with us in the New Year that knocks at the door of our Matrix ...

