Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part two

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After having some time to relax and rest off the adventuring and before it got dark we find Arghrash trading with a woman camped up in a shack.

With his wife dead long and these harsh time, he decided to sell off his wedding ring for some much needed caps, along with the spare pistol, cigarette cartons and a few bits to increase the amount held for near future purchases.

"Thank you and these caps will help me get established in this new world we live in. I am sticking on my own as things will get dangerous" he said before waving goodbye to the woman and setting off again.

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A short walk from that woman was the road and one he thought he might take.

"Wait a minute, there are people traveling this road and I think I better try sneakily headshotting and trying to do more damage quickly" he thought to himself before shooting at the head.

Missing the target is now showing the mistake that was made as they men yelled out "You're messing with the Gunners now!" Arghrash ended up getting killed quickly and had to pick up from the nearby bed he had slept in.

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After the eye opening death he had made his way further out in hopes of finding the spot to setup a small hideout, at least a temporary one that could offer some protection and storage and permanent bed.

There was a nice little tucked away section that would end up masking some of the hideout among the raised section, when he gets it build later. It was next to a small watering hole which would be handy for some water and this is where the tend, sleeping bag and campfire was setup.

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Nearby to camp was a place looking quite fruitful in having some loot to grab and hopefully not much to fend off against when attacking it. A bit of Mole rat meat, some bottlecaps and some ammo, but also extra parts to be scrapped for building the workshop which would allow starting the hideout.

"Well looks like I have what I need for now and once the workshop is built, I can go scrapping things elsewhere to bring back along with what I took from Sanctuary briefly at the start" said Arghrash before being attacked by Feral Ghouls on his way out and back to camp. It was tough as he had to shoot the first but then used the knife and quick skills to dispose of the second one, while using tactics among the rocks.

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The workshop got created and a fence built around it as Arghrash was about to head out to gather more materials for building, once he had stored what was currently available before admiring the view of the radiation storm and lightning in the atmosphere, such build and a few extra bits of radiation to the mass amount from those Feral Ghouls.

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For the time being until building a little more, the hideout consists of a semi open shack for some protection along with a machinegun turret to help dispose or any raiders. Then there is a bed and storage trunk of course and just extended fencing plus a gate which will become further extended when needed later.

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In the nearby town of Lexington but off to the side of it were some Feral Ghouls chilling in some broken buildings and they looked like slim pickings.

"This should get the buildings cleared up a bit so I can loot" thought Arghrash as he shot one from far before seeing multiple coming his way.

One was taken out will precision which was all fine, but after taking out the second another came for him, suddenly rushing quickly and decapitating our lone madman, forcing that killing progress to go to waste.

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One final act before turning in for a solid sleep to rest up, due to being so tired, was to clear the raider scum nearby. He was visiting the grave of a fallen comrade before finishing burying his newly deceased comrade.

"Oh no you don't, I am going to ensure you suffer like the filthy raider you are and there will be nobody in your little group to mourn over the loss of you and for good reason!"

Arghrash lined up the raider scum and took his shot, this one didn't miss and the raider quickly turned to run and start shooting back. He couldn't do enough damage and was killed off, leaving our lone madman to loot the raider and his dead buddy to claim some much needed supplies.

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This was Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part two. Be sure to stay tuned to see what crazy things happen next and how Arghrash goes with surviving.

You can find Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Fallout 4 on survival mode.

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Hello, pal. I Think that Arghrash seems resourceful on that zone he he he, making tough choices to survive in the wasteland world. Fallout is love, I really love all related to the Fallout Universe :D . By the way, trading his past for a future, even venturing out alone despite the dangers. He might have gotten ahead of himself on the road, but that respawn bed comes in handy! :) . The new loot really looked promising, a good step towards building that workshop. Hope the mole rats aren't too hard!

Good post.



He is definitely having a hard time surviving on his own, more stockpiled resources though will mean greater progress!


You gotta love all those challenges on the way to making a hideout! Fallout is such a good game series.


Challenges are plenty and there will always be more of them. The game likes to have tough opponents all around haha!


That makes it an even better game haha


Not for someone's sanity, but I am a masochist and find this toughness in survival mode and dying to be fun. Even if I have to load and redo the sections since last save XD
