They Are Billions... the Annihilation



Zombies have taken over. There is nary a safe haven in sight. Yet I, Grand General Kaelci, have been tasked with securing part of this wasteland and turning it into a small slice of livable heaven.

I'll be honest: I'm not entirely confident, but I will put on a brave face for my troops and may we at last find the strength to live once more rather than huddle and hide from the hordes.


My scouts have located a suitable spot for my command centre and set to its construction, ready for my arrival. I'm now inside, barricaded, whilst my meagre forces investigate the surrounding area. Not very brave of me, I know, but once I fall... that is the end.

My orders, whispered out the back window to the rangers lest a normal pitch summons the zombie monsters, must be sufficient.


It's a good thought I had, to whisper rather than speak, for a mere fifty metres away stands a long abandoned radar outpost surrounded by the zombie demons.

I quickly called back my rangers before the inevitable could occur. We haven't even begun our settlement yet! My men are not yet allowed to fall.


Some brave souls deigned to emerge from the depths and join my burgeoning colony. Two of them were smarter than the rest and loudly whispered their qualifications through my window.

Ahh, Taurus and Laura... actually, I have no idea who Taurus is but Laura and I are close. Back in the day, when the zombie threat first emerged, she built some fantastic weaponry to help annihilate the brainless fiends.

I need those weapons. Thus, I proclaimed her mayor of our little village.


With Laura's knowledge entrusted to my rangers, I bade them set forth and start building some defences. If my village was to survive, we would need every stone, arrow, or various projectile.


With Laura's ballista towers placed strategically around the perimetre, I thought it prudent we start walling up the colony.

Not a single zombie can be allowed within these walls. Not a one.

In fact, I think I might tell the rangers to double-wall it. Just to be safe.

Safety is an illusion, the wind whispers.


The very next day a horde of zombies tried to breach our defences -- MY defences! When I told the rangers to double-wall our perimetre, one of them had the gall to raise an eyebrow at me as I stared at her through the window. I daresay she's grateful now.


It's been two months since I declared it necessary to double, nay, even triple-wall our perimetre. We have stood against several hordes of zombies desperate to annihilate us and turn us into them.

Unfortunately after two months I may have grown complacent. I fear it in my bones.

Do zombies think, do they have an intuition? If only science could tell us, if scientists still existed. They kept attacking the north... the north is heavily fortified. If Godzilla turned into a zombie and tried to breach the north, the beast would fail. Surely zombies must have an intuition, for they now rush against the eastern walls...

...the newly built eastern walls that have yet to be fortified.

I fear our doom is nigh.


Shrill screams penetrate my ears then my heart. The shrill screams of my people.

They are people no longer.

Terror transforms into guttural growls of hungering anger and they grow louder. Louder.

They are outside my window. Tearing at what remains of my shabby fortifications. Hungering for me.

Soon, I will join them.

I am sorry.



They Are Billions is a strategy colony-building survival game that my partner very strongly recommended to me. Unfortunately he was a terrible sidekick to my Grand General and failed to inform me of some very important things in the game... like which building allows me to research!

If I had researched things sooner, I may have survived a little longer.

Now I need to try again. 😁

It's a very fun game -- I'm enjoying it!! My only gripe with it is that I can't rotate the camera; it's in a fixed position. And I can't place gates diagonally. Boo.

You can find it on the Steam Store here!


Until next time,

Thanks for stopping by! 🙃



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: They Are Billions.
