(ESP-ENG) Mi infancia con lo mejor del Sega Genesis // My childhood with the best of the Sega Genesis.

Hola amigos, buenas vibras para todos.

Hello friends, good vibes everyone.


Seguimos con este recuento de consolas y videojuegos que tuve la oportunidad de jugar cuando era niño y adolescente y esta vez le toca el turno al Sega Genesis. Son muchos los recuerdos que tengo con este aparato pero por suerte son buenos recuerdos porque si bien es verdad no probé tantos juegos con los pocos que si tuve el chance de jugarlos disfruté bastante.

We continue with this count of consoles and video games that I had the opportunity to play as a child and teenager and this time it is the turn of the Sega Genesis. There are many memories I have with this device but luckily they are good memories because although it is true I did not try so many games with the few that if I had the chance to play them I enjoyed a lot.

Realmente fueron tres, quizás cuatro juegos de los que tengo más memoria porque fueron horas y horas pegado al televisor tratando de superar aquellos mundos y aventuras. Ciertamente esta consola no tuvo tanto éxito y además de que en mi país era un poco complicado conseguir los juegos, no había mucha variedad pero realmente eso no influyó y de igual forma fue algo que disfruté bastante. Vamos entonces con los títulos que más me gustaron:

There were really three, maybe four games that I have the most memory of because they spent hours and hours glued to the television trying to overcome those worlds and adventures. Certainly this console was not so successful and in addition to the fact that in my country it was a bit difficult to get the games, there was not much variety but it really did not influence and in the same way it was something that I enjoyed a lot. So let's go with the titles that I liked the most:

Sonic The Hedgehog.

Intro de Sonic!

Yo creo que este juego es uno de los que más me ha marcado en toda mi vida pero por lo increíblemente bueno que es, literalmente yo pasaba hora tras horas jugando esta joya de los videojuegos y no me cansaba. Este salió por allá en el año 1991 con la intención de hacerle competencia a la Nintendo y Mario y aparentemente tuvo algo de éxito porque hoy en día se sigue hablando de él hasta el punto de que se están haciendo películas de este personaje.

I think this game is one of the ones that has marked me the most in my entire life, but because of how incredibly good it is, I literally spent hour after hour playing this jewel of video games and I didn't get tired. This came out there in 1991 with the intention of competing with Nintendo and Mario and apparently it had some success because nowadays people are still talking about him to the point that movies of this character are being made.

Level 1!

La trama detrás de este juego es bastante simple, nos ubicamos en un planeta, Mobius, lugar tranquilo donde vive este veloz erizo hasta que de la nada aparece el Dr Robotonik quien es un científico demente que lo único que busca es conquistar dicho planeta. Basicamente lo que hay que ir haciendo es ir de nivel en nivel e ir rescatando a todos los animales cautivos que este doctor va atrapando.

The plot behind this game is quite simple, we are located on a planet, Mobius, a quiet place where this fast hedgehog lives until Dr. Robotonik appears out of nowhere, who is a mad scientist who all he wants is to conquer said planet. Basically what you have to do is go from level to level and rescue all the captive animals that this doctor is catching.

Dr Robotonik and his ships

En cuanto a los personajes solo hay dos, Sonic y el doctor, más adelante salió una secuela de este juego, Sonic the hedgehog 2 donde incluyen a Tails, el amigo más cercano de Sonic. A medida que vamos avanzando en el juego créanme que se va poniendo mucho más difícil, el juego es corto pero la verdad es que los niveles se van complicando cada vez más.

As for the characters there are only two, Sonic and the doctor, later a sequel to this game came out, Sonic the hedgehog 2 where they include Tails, Sonic's closest friend. As we progress through the game, believe me, it gets much more difficult, the game is short but the truth is that the levels get more and more complicated.

En conclusión es una verdadera joya, los gráficos para la época de principios de los noventa eran sobresalientes además de la música o banda sonora que también eran increíbles. Es una lastima que no tenga la oportunidad de volverlo a jugar porque si no fuera de mis preferidos.

In conclusion it is a real gem, the graphics for the early nineties era were outstanding in addition to the music or soundtrack which were also incredible. It's a shame that I don't have the opportunity to play it again because if it weren't one of my favorites.

- Street Fighter.


Con este juego fue cuando conocí a esta franquicia. Creo que es de los mejores universos de juegos de peleas solo por debajo de Mortal Kombat. El juego es lo que es, tienes que ir peleando con una serie de luchadores alrededor de todo el planeta hasta que llegas al contrincante final, Mr Bison.

It was with this game that I met this franchise. I think it is one of the best fighting game universes only below Mortal Kombat. The game is what it is, you have to fight with a series of fighters around the planet until you reach the final opponent, Mr Bison.


Como dije ibas por todo el mundo tratando de vencer a todos los oponentes. Los países más complicados en función de sus peleadores eran la India con Dhalsim, China con la poderosa Chun-Li, Tailandia con Sagat y el propio Mr Bison. Claramente este juego era multijugador donde los personajes principales eran los amigos Ryu y Ken. Fue uno de los primeros títulos de peleas que jugué por eso creo que me marcó tanto, estoy convencido de que capaz no es de los mejores pero para mi en aquellos tiempos lo fue.

Like I said you were going all over the world trying to beat all the opponents. The most complicated countries according to their fighters were India with Dhalsim, China with the powerful Chun-Li, Thailand with Sagat and Mr Bison himself. Clearly this game was multiplayer where the main characters were friends Ryu and Ken. It was one of the first fighting titles that I played, so I think it marked me so much, I am convinced that capable is not one of the best but for me in those times it was.

Fighters around the world!

Ryu and Ken!

- Tiny Toon Adventures.


Voy con la joya de corona, con el juego que si los anteriores me quitaban horas este me quitaba hasta el sueño. Si, estoy seguro que no fue el más popular de esta consola pero amigos que BUEN juego era, el clásico titulo de pura y mera aventura. Era de la firma Konami que casi siempre era garantía junto a Capcom.

I go with the crown jewel, with the game that if the previous ones took hours away from me, this would take away even sleep. Yes, I'm sure it was not the most popular of this console but friends, what a GOOD game it was, the classic title of pure and mere adventure. It was from the Konami firm that was almost always a guarantee with Capcom.

Buster Bunny!

Pero entonces, de que trataba este juego? - la verdad es más sencillo de lo que parece y creo que eso es lo que hizo tan bueno. Consistía en que nuestro amigo Buster tenía que ir de mundo en mundo con la finalidad de derrotar a su enemigo Max Montana quien había robado y escondido un tesoro, y además Buster tenía que rescatar a Babsy Bunny.

But then, what was this game about? - The truth is simpler than it seems and I think that's what made it so good. It consisted in that our friend Buster had to go from world to world in order to defeat his enemy Max Montana who had stolen and hidden a treasure, and also Buster had to rescue Babsy Bunny.

Este juego constaba de 33 niveles donde uno se podía encontrar diferentes enemigos a los cuales había que ir derrotando uno a uno hasta conseguirte con el temido Dr Gene Splicer y derrotarlo de igual manera. Recuerdo también que para poder pasar de nivel era necesario encontrar un "Gogo Dodo", sino lo hacías no podías seguir avanzando.

This game consisted of 33 levels where one could find different enemies which had to be defeated one by one until getting the dreaded Dr Gene Splicer and defeating him in the same way. I also remember that in order to pass the level it was necessary to find a "Gogo Dodo", otherwise you could not continue advancing.


Map of the game!

Dr Gene!

Honestamente este fue el mejor juego que pude jugar en el Sega, por encima del Sonic; muy personal esta opinión pero así lo creo. Nada más que con tener tantos niveles y cada uno con cierta dificultad era sinónimo sin dudas de entretenimiento por días.

Honestly, this was the best game I could play on the Sega, above the Sonic; This opinion is very personal, but I think so. Nothing more than having so many levels and each one with some difficulty was undoubtedly synonymous with entertainment for days.

- Bonus: The Lion King.


Este juego lo coloco únicamente por nostalgia ya que fue el primer juego que me regalaron cuando me compraron el Sega Genesis. Sorprendentemente este juego es bastante bueno y entretenido, al principio no me llamaba la atención pero a medida que los vas jugando te vas dando cuenta que vale la pena.

I put this game solely out of nostalgia as it was the first game they gave me when they bought me the Sega Genesis. Surprisingly, this game is quite good and entertaining, at first it did not catch my attention but as you play it you realize that it is worth it.


El juego recuerdo era muy difícil, cada nivel de verdad tenía una complejidad absurda que podía llegar a frustrarme un poco aunque no lo pareciera. Además de que el argumento es muy parecido a la historia de la película. Es un simba pequeño y adulto que busca recuperar el trono que está en manos de su tío Scar, quien a su vez mató a Mufasa, papa de Simba. Cuenta con 14 niveles de una dificultad super avanzada, repito.

The game I remember was very difficult, each level really had an absurd complexity that could get me a bit frustrated even if it didn't seem like it. Besides that the plot is very similar to the story of the movie. He is a small and adult Simba who seeks to regain the throne that is in the hands of his uncle Scar, who in turn killed Mufasa, Simba's father. It has 14 levels of super advanced difficulty, I repeat.

Little Simba!

Bueno mi gente estos fueron los juegos que marcaron mi infancia con el Sega Genesis, espero que les haya gustado.
¡Un abrazo a todos, nos vemos en la próxima!

Well my people these were the games that marked my childhood with the Sega Genesis, I hope you liked them.
¡A hug to all, see you in the next one!


Actually I never had a console like that, but I had the opportunity to play some of their games, since a close friend of mine had one of those.

I'll stick with the first two you mention, "Sonic" is undoubtedly a reference in the world of video games in the platform genre, despite having lagged behind compared to the saga of "Super Mario Bros" and the same "Crash Bandicoot", on the other hand Street Fighter is another great reference but of the fighting genre, I do not like this genre, but from time to time I dedicate a little time just for fun.

As for the others, maybe they are good or maybe not xD, I've never played them, but thanks to your sharing I could know about their existence hehehe.

Good post my friend! You have a good design in terms of content and writing.... Thanks for sharing it, see you soon!


Thanks for reading my friend.

Indeed, Sonic was incredible. The others too but you has to play them to know.
