A New Age in dCity


City of Akvamarin
Newsletter May 05, 2021
From: The Lord Mayor Leonis

Dear citizens,

         It has been a long time since any major announcements surrounding our beloved city. Rest assured, there was plenty happening in the background. As you may have noticed, there are a number of new edifices springing up in Akvamarin. This is part of the new infrastructure initiative by the Emperor.

         In the last quarter, I had the privilege of assisting his Imperial Majesty in the initiative. I was part of the committee that oversaw revision and creation of documentations. The committee consisted of various regional lords and mayors of major cities.

         The massive infrastructure upgrade includes improved checklists for city management. It seems daunting at first, but it offers a lot of information once you understand what each number means. The most impressive feature is the crisis indicators at the top. Through advanced AI algorithms, we are able to predict a variety of calamities. Of course, this is all within certain confidence intervals.

         New buildings can be seem around the city. These will improve the quality of life of our citizens. Some are practical. Some coordinate with our advanced AIs to allow preemptive actions. Despite their massive cost, the city council believes in their long term benefits.

         You may have noticed that for the first time in a long time, our city is now looking for more people. Part of this is due to the economic downturn as a result of the pandemic. People started migrating to different places to seek out opportunities. This, unfortunately, doesn't only affect your everyday average joes.

         Wars, rumors of wars, are among other skirmishes around the globe. As you can see, the lords of the Empire have diverted much of their resources to fund the war machine. For some, war is profitable even in the depth of economic despair.

         To put it in context, the empire's currency has been falling against the HIVE standard. The current SIM value is about 1/3 of its original expected value. Bad economic downturn tends to cause tensions with neighboring nation states. This also contributed to the delays of the infrastructure upgrade.

         What's important now is that things are moving along. I can't promise you the golden age of prosperity, but we will get through this hurdle together like always.

