Could the Hive Blockchain support a game like Pokemon Go?



Pokemon is a game that I have always liked, I'm not the biggest fan but I have played it for a long time. I first played Pokemon when I was 10 or 11 years old (I'm 32 right now), one friend had the Blue Version for Gameboy and I remember that every Tuesday and Thursday I went to his house to play. At least one year had to pass until I had my own Gameboy and I had the possibility to start my own adventure. To be honest I did not play the following games when they came out, I played many of them on emulators.

When Pokeom Go came out a couple of years ago I was very excited, it was like a dream come true. I wanted to play is so badly. Unfortunately my mobile cellphone was not powerful enough and could not support the game... At that time I had an iPad Air, the first model, and I tried once or twice to play the game with it. You could imagine that is not very safe to walk with a $400 iPad in the streets of Mexico so I gave up, to do this I also had to use my cellphone as a mobile hotspot to give data to the iPad.


Our roommate is a very big fan of Pokemon, she is level 36 and she plays daily. She has motivated m to try the game again and I have downloaded the app and started playing. At the moment we cannot make a lot of progress because we are not leaving the house, we are only going out to buy food and basic things. I have been playing and I cannot say that I am a big fan yet, but Marina has showed me many of the features that are in the game. It is very impressive how the game has evolved since I walked the streets holding an iPad.

All those cool features made me think the following:

Could it be possible to make a game like this one powered by the Hive Blockchain?

Obviously it would be very difficult or almost impossible that the game features Pokemons, but like in @splinterlands someone could create dozens of characters/monsters that could have NFTs features. Another thing is that it may be difficult to make the game as worldwide as Pokemon Go. But there could be other options to play more locally. What I mean is something like this: You start the game and it scans your area, it takes the game a some minutes to create a "playground" or a place where the monsters will spawn and then you go out there to catch or fight these monsters. Depending on your level, gear and other things you could receive common, rare, epic or legendary creatures.


This idea also came into my mind when Marina told me that it was possible to sell the Pokemon Go Accounts, but it was not possible to sell the items or the Pokemons by themselves. Pokemon Go is a centralized game and it is a selfish game, it is not rewarding it's users properly, they keep all the money. A decentralized Pokemon Go like game would have a great rewards system and would also take advantage of the NFTs and Tokenization system to make it a more enjoyable game.

I'm not a game developer and maybe this is a terrible idea, but I think that is time for Blockchain games to take a step forward, as I said. It doesn't have to be as complex as Pokemon Go, it can start scaling little by little. I believe that people would be interested in spending time in games where they can be rewarded.


Would you play a game like this one?

Let me know in the comments.

My Pokemon Go Trainer code: 1668 1360 7185

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Good idea in my opinion. It would be fun if the collectible creatures/things could actually have real value, trading and training them would feel much better to me.
I don't play PoGo every day anymore, but I still love the game - added you as a friend. :)


Thank you for your comment!

Yes, I also think the game would be more fun and there would even be people that would make a living out of it.


I didn't really get into Pokemon Go as much as I would've liked to have -- it worked on my phone, but not good enough, it would freeze, not load properly, and was a pain to try and play -- but I would love to play a blockchain game like this. 😀


The game has a lot of bugs and it also requires a lot of space.

I do believe that someone will do a game like this one in the future and I hope that it is on Hive.


It could, and it would be awesome. I would've invested in pokemon go the second is was announced... but as we all know, you need to have deep pockets and connections to invest in the diamonds in the legacy system. so a pokemon go, where I can invest in the development in the very early stages with crypto = winner in my book


Yes, I think that games like this one would work great with crypto. I would also invest of the game was like this one. Honestly I'm not very motivated to play Pokemon Go because there is no way to win anything, I only play it for fun and don't invest a lot of time.


Heck yes this could be possible! Not all aspects of the game need to be recorded on chain, really you can pick and choose. You could only have digital asset ownership on chain and the rest of the game elements on a central server. I think Hive needs an SDK and to market itself as a chain for building games. We've got a dozen games already and more on their way 👊🏻


I'm excited for all of the games that are in development! And as I said I'm not an expert but I do believe something like this game could be very good. Thank you for your comment and the support!


Nunca he jugado Pokemon Go y no creo que lo haga...quizás, el hecho que no haya visto la serie, juega en contra de que la valore... Saludos..!

Firma Fermionico 3.png


Hasta el momento yo lo he jugado muy poco y por todos las características que tiene me llama mucho la atención. Imagina un juego en Blockchain (no tiene que ser de Pokemones) donde puedas atrapar o pelear contra monstruos o criaturas y que como en Splinterlands las puedas vender, comprar. Lo mismo con los items y otro tipo de consumibles. Me pareció interesante la idea y no tiene que ser a la misma escala de Pokemon Go o con las mismas características.


A game like that could be awesome hahaha


Una excelente idea! seria increíble poder jugar algo con aires a pokemon! y mejor aun si fuera desde el móvil
