Facebook's WTF Reason For Rejecting Zionist Award Ceremony Ad

A group called the Atlanta Israel Coalition (AIC) is holding their inaugural AIC Impact Award ceremony over Zoom on January 31st. This award will be going to "a person whose life experience or vision has served as a catalyst for change. The recipient’s words or activities have inspired others to act and have ultimately impacted perception of or life in Israel." Occasional Israellycool contributor Kay Wilson will be the worthy recipient.

The above advertisement was submitted to Facebook, which refused to allow it on the basis of their deeming it "political." So Cheryl, an AIC member, requested a review.

You won't believe what happens next.

As Cheryl writes:

The speakers are absolutely beautiful people and I understand why Facebook may want to date them but that is not the purpose of this event. I apologize on behalf of Facebook to their wonderful spouses. Not trying to set anyone up here on a romantic love connection!!
I'm not sure what game Facebook is playing, but it is not the Dating Game.

What I am sure about is that there is not much to love about Facebook these days. They seem determined to silence pro-Israel voices, while turning a blind eye to antisemitism.

Posted from Israellycool with SteemPress : https://www.israellycool.com/2021/01/14/facebooks-wtf-reason-for-rejecting-zionist-award-ceremony-ad/
