Moon 🌛 (a dedicatory) (ENG-ESP)


🌜 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🌛


Tell him that I spend sleepless nights thinking of his love,
Tell him that it's only by his side that I have courage,
Tell him that without him my sorrows are even greater...


Tell him that his memory oppresses my heart,
Tell him that it dries up without remedy and
it's getting cold, running out of love....


Tell him that I can't move forward,
that being without him causes me deep sorrow,
Tell him that I've sat down to cry
and let life pass me by...


Dile que paso las noches en insomnio pensando en su amor,
Dile que solo estando a su lado es que tengo valor,
Dile que sin él mis tristezas son aun mayor...


Dile que su recuerdo oprime mi corazón,
dile que se seca sin remedio y
se está enfriando, quedándose sin amor....


Dile que no puedo avanzar,
que estar sin él me causa un profundo pesar,
dile que me he sentado a llorar
y dejar la vida pasar...

🌜 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🌛


Tell him he's my soul mate,
who just taught me that life can be beautiful,
her kisses make me travel to the stars...


My soul weeps in disconsolation,
I close my eyes and search for him in my memories,
his voice is gone,
reminds me that I've lost him...


But moon...

You know all my secrets,
you know how I suffer and despair,
you know of my long sleepless nights,
imagining me in his arms,
to be my pillow,
tenderly caressing the nothingness.



If wishes could come true...

You are a witness that all I do is work,
I feel like I'm not going anywhere,
I thought he was different,
I don't want to think he's the same
like the rest of the people.


Dile que es mi alma gemela,
que solo me enseñó que la vida puede ser bella,
sus besos me hacen viajar a las estrellas...


Mi alma llora en desconsuelo,
cierro mis ojos y lo busco en mis recuerdos,
su voz se ha ido,
me recuerda que lo he perdido...


Pero luna...

Tu conoces todos mis secretos,
sabes lo que sufro y me desespero,
conoces de mis largas noches sin sueño,
imaginándome en sus brazos,
que fuera mi almohada,
acariciando con ternura a la nada.



Si los deseos se hicieran realidad...

Eres testigo que todo lo que hago es trabajar,
siento que no voy a ningún lugar,
pensé que él era diferente,
no quiero pensar que es igual
al resto de la gente.

🌜 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🌛


Moon... Time goes by... Life passes me by, without him I am nothing.

Luna... El tiempo pasa... Se me pasa la vida, sin él no soy nada.

🌜 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🌛

🌜 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🌛

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