Halloween Crafts | Diy Bat Straw Tutorial


Halloween Crafts - DIY Bat Straw Tutorial.png

Halloween memories

You can make it as spooky as you like, and Halloween crafts can be fun for young and old because we all know that many adults also attend Halloween parties. Personally, I didn't grow up with much Halloween, we didn't celebrate that in our area, but I remember my first Halloween in Spain, it was such a cool and warm experience! The whole town had gathered at the municipal square and lots of people dressed up, but the best thing: music! We decided to go down and join the rest of the people for a walk through the town that lasted almost 2 hours. We made some stops along the way. I will never forget this as to me, it was a name of a holiday to me, but without any memories. Until that evening!

Halloween crafting fun

I have fun crafting with my 5-year-old as well as on my own. Today I crafted by myself when she was at the kindergarten. I decided to make a bat straw for Halloween. I went through my cabinet to see if I had any cool matching straws for my idea, but I could only find one white paper straw. I already knew how to modify the straw matching with the bat. This craft is a cheap one and doesn't require much material, you could probably use things you have in the house already in most cases. Let's begin!

Here's what you need

Halloween DIY Bat Straw (12).jpg

  • Black paper (or better: cardboard)
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • White (paper) straw

Halloween DIY Bat Straw (13).jpg

I also used a cutter to add a black touch to the white paper straw. You could also cut it with scissors.

The process

Halloween bat straw tutorial 1.png

Halloween bat straw tutorial 2.png

Halloween bat straw tutorial 3.png

Halloween bat straw tutorial 4.png

Halloween bat straw tutorial 5.png

The end result

Here's what it will look like in your glass. I didn't want to ruin the paper straw by using any colored drinks today, so I used water.

Halloween DIY Bat Straw (9).jpg

But of course, I wanted to add some special look as well, so I placed the bad on a black plastic straw to make a bloody drink for the Halloween vibes:

Halloween DIY Bat Straw (8).jpg

My daughter's spooky stones match well with the bat straw, don't you think?

Halloween DIY Bat Straw (11).jpg

Halloween DIY Bat Straw (10).jpg

This was the very first part of Halloween Crafts

I will add more parts in the next weeks to come until Halloween is finally there. This way, I hope to inspire you to create some cool decorations of your own if you are celebrating Halloween where you live. And if not, you can always join the crafting fun anyway!


These are awesome little crafts you did here! I love the lot but the stones your daughter made are perfect!


Thanks :) I read your comment to her, you should have seen her proud face, so cute haha


Well, I'm not too crafty. At least not in the sense of being adept at crafting. :) Your bat looks really good. Thanks for sharing in the Creative Coin Discord.


That's fine, not everyone is good at crafting or enjoys it :)
Thanks for the compliment and stopping by. It reminds me about the comment you left for delegations of CCC. Totally forgot about :)
