Paseo a caballo.Luego del paseo me sorprendio como el caballo hacia gestos de cariño a su amo//After the ride I was surprised how the horse made gestures of affection to his master


Hola amigos de hive, espero se encuentren excelente el día de hoy. Me encantan los caballos y cuando tengo la oportunidad de montar una de estos ejemplares lo hago si pensarlo dos veces. El fin de semana me encontraba con unos amigos visitando una finca y después de estar un rato en el lugar apareció un amigo con un caballo, el animal se veía dócil y le pregunte al hombre si yo podía montar el caballo ya que a mi edad 47 años no estoy para una caída de caballo ja,ja, ja mis huesos ya están viejos y hueso de viejo NO se pega ja,ja,ja él me dijo que si ,que el caballo era mansito que me podía montar y así lo hice .Recorrí el lugar montado en el lomo del caballo recordando aquellos tiempos donde era joven y recorría mi barrio sobre mi caballo bayo, mi fiel compañero, era tuerto ya que lo ataco un enjambre de abejas africanas provocándole la pérdida de un ojo.




Luego del paseo en caballo nos sentamos a conversar mis amigos y yo mientras lo hacíamos pude observar algunas muestras de cariño del caballo hacia su amo o jinete y es emociónate como el caballo siempre estuvo cerca de su dueño a donde el dueño se movía el caballo iba a su ladito acompañándole .También pude observar como el noble animal posaba su cabeza en el hombro de su dueño esto es lo que llaman el “abrazo del caballo” y esto lo hacen para demostrar su afecto ya que ellos no se pueden acurrucar como los gatos para darnos su aprecio lo demuestran de esta manera. Vino a mi mente aquel recuerdo que no puedo olvidad de mi caballo tuerto y era que cuando yo lo silbaba venia corriendo, así se encontrara muy lejos, solo bastaba escuchar mi silbido para que el rápidamente viniera hacia mí.


A los caballos hay que darle un buen trato y ellos sabrán responder a ese buen trato, si eres bueno y cariñosos ese cariño será reciproco, pero al contrario si los tratas mal allí es donde se presentan los problemas cuando lo montas y hasta se puede dar a la fuga saltando la cerca. Un dato curioso e interesante es que si el caballo te toca con su nariz es porque te está mostrando su aprecio ya que la nariz del caballo es una de sus partes sensibles. Esto quiere decir que te aprecia y está a gusto contigo. Aquí les dejo la página para que lean mas al respecto sobre las emociones de los caballos Para la fuente centrada:


Hello hive friends, I hope you are feeling great today. I love horses and when I have the opportunity to ride one of these specimens I do it without thinking twice. The weekend I was with some friends visiting a farm and after being a while in the place a friend appeared with a horse, the animal looked docile and I asked the man if I could ride the horse because at my age 47 years I am not for a horse fall ha,ha,ha, ha my bones are old and old bone does not stick ha,ha,ha,ha he told me yes, that the horse was tame that I could ride and so I did. I rode around the place on the back of the horse remembering those times when I was young and rode around my neighborhood on my bay horse, my faithful companion, he was one-eyed because he was attacked by a swarm of African bees causing him to lose an eye.




After the ride on horseback my friends and I sat down to talk and while we were doing so I could observe some signs of affection from the horse to his master or rider and it is exciting how the horse was always close to his owner wherever the owner moved the horse went to his side accompanying him. I could also observe how the noble animal rested his head on his owner's shoulder this is what they call the "horse hug" and they do this to show their affection since they can not curl up like cats to give us their appreciation and they show it this way. It came to my mind that memory that I cannot forget of my one-eyed horse and it was that when I whistled him he came running, even if he was far away, it was enough to hear my whistle for him to quickly come to me.


Horses must be treated well and they will know how to respond to that good treatment, if you are good and affectionate that affection will be reciprocal, but on the contrary if you treat them badly that is where the problems arise when you ride them and they can even run away jumping the fence. A curious and interesting fact is that if the horse touches you with his nose it is because he is showing you his appreciation since the horse's nose is one of his sensitive parts. This means that it appreciates you and is comfortable with you. Here is the page for you to read more about the emotions of horses For the centered source:


Las fotos las tomo mi amigo con su telefono Redmi7

Agradezco a @eve66 por las fuentes que son de su propiedad

The photos were taken by my friend with his Redmi7 phone.

I thank @eve66 for the sources that are his property.

