Amazing Nature - S.O.S. Planet Earth - S.O.S. Planeta Tierra


Very good evening dear community!

Muy buenas noches querida comunidad!

Amazing Nature is a great community where according to my understanding we can not only share beautiful landscape and natural postcards, beautiful flowers, animals, among others, but also create content about the problems we are going through today to conserve and preserve our Amazing Nature.

Amazing Nature es una gran comunidad donde según mi entender no solo podemos compartir hermosas postales de paisajes, naturales, bellas flores, animales, entre otros, además de crear contenido sobre la problemática que hoy en día estamos atravesando para conservar y preservar nuestra Amazing Nature.



In my extensive photo album I have a large number of photos to share with you, but this time I wanted to bring to the community an issue that concerns me about way and is the conservation of nature as a result of the advance of human activity to the detriment of the most diverse ecosystems extinguishing many species of plants and animals.

En mi extenso álbum fotográfico tengo una gran cantidad de fotos para compartir con ustedes, pero en esta oportunidad quería traer a la comunidad un tema que me preocupa sobre manera y es la conservación de la naturaleza como resultado del avance de la actividad humana en detrimento de los más diversos ecosistemas extinguiendo gran cantidad de especies plantas y animales.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, several studies have been conducted showing that the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming is the result of a decline in manufacturing processes and the reduced circulation of automobiles that was experienced in most of the world's major cities.

Al comenzar la pandemia del COVID-19 se han realizado varios estudios en los que se demostraban que la emisión de gases que causan el efecto invernadero que contribuye al calentamiento global producto de una merma en los procesos de producción fabriles y la menor circulación de automóviles que se experimentó en la mayoría de las principales ciudades del mundo.



At one point I came to think that this pandemic could help raise awareness among humanity of the dramatic change we must make in production and consumption patterns to make our planet sustainable for future generations.

En un momento llegué a pensar que esta pandemia podía ayudar a generar conciencia en la humanidad en el drástico cambio que debemos hacer en los patrones de producción y consumo para hacer de nuestro planeta un lugar sustentable para futuras generaciones.



Unfortunately, once again I have realized that my hopes are going up as fast as they have been generated. While it is not to be expected that productive systems or consumer issues will change overnight, it is to be expected that the individual behavior of each of us will begin to be different, from awareness to new behaviors in our lives.

Lamentablemente una vez más me he dado cuenta que mis esperanzas se esfuman tan rápido como se han generado. Si bien no es esperable que los sistemas productivos o cuestiones de consumo se modifiquen de un día para el otro, si se espera que la conducta individual de cada uno de nosotros comience a ser otra, desde la toma de conciencia hasta poner en marcha nuevas conductas en nuestras vidas.



A few days ago I was watching a documentary about beaches like Bombay in India, and I saw how the sea was polluted and full of waste of all kinds, especially plastic. The images were really devastating.

Hace unos días miraba un documental de playas como la de Bombay en la India, y veía como el mar estaba contaminado y repleto de residuos de todo tipo especialmente plásticos. Las imágenes eran realmente desoladoras.

This situation is very sad and the worst thing is that it is repeated in several places of the planet, especially those that are over populated and places where poverty is extreme.

Esta situación es muy triste y lo peor es que se repite en varios lugares del planeta, especialmente aquellos que están sobre poblados y lugares donde la pobreza es extrema.



To move our planet forward, a change in our way of doing things is indispensable. We must find a way to reduce our waste and to do so we must commit ourselves to perform tasks at home, such as sorting waste at source in order to recycle and thus reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.

Para sacar adelante nuestro planeta es indispensable un cambio en nuestra manera de hacer las cosas. Debemos encontrar la manera de poder reducir nuestros residuos y para ello es necesario que nos comprometamos a realizar tareas en casa, como lo son la clasificación de los residuos desde origen para poder reciclar y así disminuir la cantidad de desechos que se envía a los basurales.

At home with my family we carry out an exhaustive classification of the solid waste we generate and take it to plants where this waste is reprocessed and other products are obtained from it. With the organic waste we make compost that will later serve as fertilizer for our plants and our organic garden.

En casa con mi familia realizamos una clasificación exhaustiva de los residuos sólidos que generamos y los llevamos a plantas donde esos desechos se reprocesan y se obtiene de ellos otros productos. Con los residuos orgánicos hacemos compost que luego servirán de abono para nuestras plantas y nuestra huerta orgánica.

We are clear that this will not save the planet but we will be putting our grain of sand to be part of the change that the planet needs and together with this we generate awareness in our daughters who in turn will share with their friends this philosophy of life, to take care of the planet, to take care of our Amazing Nature.

Tenemos en claro que esto no salvará al planeta pero estaremos poniendo nuestro grano de arena para ser parte del cambio que el planeta necesita y junto con ello generamos conciencia en nuestras hijas que a su vez compartirán con sus amigos esta filosofía de vida, la de cuidar el planeta, la de cuidar nuestra Amazing Nature.

The time to act is now, we must all work together and help maintain a healthy planet.

El momento de actuar es ahora, debemos poner todos juntos manos a la obra y ayudar a mantener un planeta saludable.

Original content of @pablo1601
All images were taken from the web


I know what you mean 😔 .. It can be so depressing when one realizes how humans actually treat this planet even so they know what they are actually doing and destroying with their behavior .. We already lost so many animal species and forrest all over the world, are going to loose coral reefs and so much more if we do not change drastically 😭 .. I am nearly crying some times when I get to know the latest news sometimes and realize that leading politicians in this world are actually making everything worse or ignore our problems instead of solving them .. I just hope that future generations start to fight back to save the world


Hello friend !!! It is very sad the direction in which we are going and I am u convinced that if we do not change soon and begin to take care of the environment, we will end up with everything that is put in our way and that gets in the way of the economic ambitions of the human being.

There are many animal and plant species that we have taken off the face of the earth and there are many that are still in danger of disappearing.

I believe that each of us individually can do our part to begin the change the planet needs.

Thank God that generations of children like my daughter who is 7 years old are more aware than we are and have a greater respect for the environment and nature!

Thank you very much for your comment, it has been very valuable and comforting to see that I find people who think and feel as I do about this issue.

Big hug!
